Tuesday, 15 September 2009


...make sure you enter The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe Cry Little Sister contest. Why can't I fuckin' say that, what a fuckin' idiot!

Not much interesting happened today. The grebs and indies causing congestion in college are giving me multiple bees in my bonnet. They piss me off something chronic, let me tell you.

Bus ride home was a fucking nightmare. There was some bint who had her arm wrapped a pole with a bell on, and kept pressing the bell. She didn't realise; she was in a world of her own thanks to her earphones. The worst thing was, the bus driver told me and Ash to stop dinging the bell. We were all "It's not fucking us! We grew out of that when we were 10!" And because the driver had accused us, everyone on the bus felt it be acceptable to glare at us accusingly. Just because we were teenagers sat near the back. FML.
In Middleaze, after Ash had left, another guy got off and as the bus drove past him, he felt it necessary to glare at me some more. I hate people so damn much.


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Youth Festival

Oh good gravy, how hilarious. It was better than I expected it to be, but it was still crap. What does that say about my expectations? xD

When we got there, we were given some silly neck band information things and had to sign something that was alarmingly alike a register. I noticed that everyone previously had put their ethnicity as 'british'. I broke from the norm and wrote 'english'.

Wow, the actual thing was pathetic. Not much interesting stuff around, and loads and loads of grebs milling around. Gave me something to laugh at :D Oh, and I obliterated Hayley and Liz at 'I Win'. Today's bright sun just exacerbated the blinding orange.
I saw Tony (vomits profusely) and his sleeve tattoos just look like he's painted his arm in ink. No real imagery to it at all. Whatacock.
I went to this one stand where you had to sort different people into 'Gay', 'Lesbian', 'Bisexual' and 'Transexual' catergories. I proceeded to stick all of them in the Transexual area. There wasn't enough room for all of them.

I played the Lying Down game alot today. One of my biggest achievments was when I run onto a breakdancing mat and played it. With dancers on. Thank god for Hayley's camera. One frizzy haired dancer didn't approve. Apparently he was glaring at me. Oh well, he'll live.
Liz saw some of her friends sat in a line, and I played in front of them. They all had no clue what I was doing, which was fun.
I laid on a fence where people frequently walked past, and I heard one girl saying "He's playing the Lying Down game!" It's spreading.
Hayley popped her LDG cherry :D Albeit behind peoples backs, but she played nonetheless! Liz was boring and refused to play. Boo.

We were watching a band of 8 year olds (they were actually 13, but looked pre-10) play, and the drummer looked way older than the rest of them, like 20-odd. When they'd finished their set, some reggae playlist came on as the transition between them and another band went on. Liz desperately wanted to leave, and blurted out "I'll turn Rastafarian if I stay here for too long!" I cracked up, but I don't think Hayley heard it. She missed out.
The next band came on, introduced their new singer, and then proceeded to belch down the microphone. I was tempted to go to the front of the stage, wait for them to finish a song, and then point and laugh at them. They were appalling, but I didn't follow my temptation through.

We saw Debby, and she said her professional camera had died. Hayley offered her pocket one, but Debby declined.
I stole a t-shirt too :D Well, more looted, because it was in a pile of hobo clothes. It was one I wanted, so I took it. Don't worry, I'll wash it seventy billion times so it's clean :D
I tried it on earlier, and it's a blatent girl fit. It doesn't look that great on either, but that all changes when I put my black braces on. Now to get some white skinnies...
