Tuesday 15 September 2009


...make sure you enter The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe Cry Little Sister contest. Why can't I fuckin' say that, what a fuckin' idiot!

Not much interesting happened today. The grebs and indies causing congestion in college are giving me multiple bees in my bonnet. They piss me off something chronic, let me tell you.

Bus ride home was a fucking nightmare. There was some bint who had her arm wrapped a pole with a bell on, and kept pressing the bell. She didn't realise; she was in a world of her own thanks to her earphones. The worst thing was, the bus driver told me and Ash to stop dinging the bell. We were all "It's not fucking us! We grew out of that when we were 10!" And because the driver had accused us, everyone on the bus felt it be acceptable to glare at us accusingly. Just because we were teenagers sat near the back. FML.
In Middleaze, after Ash had left, another guy got off and as the bus drove past him, he felt it necessary to glare at me some more. I hate people so damn much.


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