Saturday 30 October 2010


This is the longest I've been on my computer for a long time. And I daren't do anything like open iTunes to rip my new My Passion CD because it WILL shut down again. I just know it.

So, because of the temperamental state of my computer, I haven't been able to do anything to my media coursework. Yay for long days at college, and I know Una is going to bitch at me for it. Hopefully I'll be able to do something worthwhile to it at college next week.

Dressing up for work tomorrow, because it's Halloween. Luke's going as the Mad Hatter, which will be fun, Matt's going as a zombie. But not dressed up. No, he'll be a zombie because, and I quote: "I'll still be drunk." Nice logic. No idea what Alice or Keiran are going as, but I'm going as Johnny Depp from Once Upon a Time in Mexico. As in, this:

Oooh, I'm looking forward to it. I just need to get some decent fake blood. I really want to do this well, and do it justice. I'm sure there will be pictures ;D

That's about all from me, so until next time (my computer behaves),

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