Monday 15 December 2008


First thing on a Monday morning is not when you want 3 hours of Communication with Dave. Luckily though, all we did was watch Life of Brian. My first viewing of it ^^

The, at the break, there was a fire drill. Cue moning from people whinging 'But it's cold!' It actually wasn't that cold. But yeah, everyone piled outside, staff dressed in Fire Marshal jackets. Really, if there was a fire, would they bother getting those jackets on? Didn't think so.

Lewis and I stood around waiting for Kayleigh so we could get into town. She finally showed and was saying goodbye to people when Impatient Lewis grabbed her by the waist and dragged her to the door. Kayleigh was annoyed, saying "I can't do anything with you around, can I Lewis?" Lewis said we were walking into town after Kayleigh asked if we were bussing it. Cue Kayleigh and I going "NO! Bus is quicker." Lewis said he had no money for the bus, so I brought out my wallet and gave him £2 for a dayrider.
In town, he said goobye far too many times. Kayleigh and I made a bee line for Blue Banana, where a member of staff came over and said he had a massive headache and he didn't want to be there. I misheard him, thinking he said 'I really want a beer." Needless to say I just completely embarrassed myself. Kayleigh said I was an alcoholic and the guy replied "At least you've accepted you have a problem." We then went into Waterstones and saw an old guy with grey hair looking at the EROTICA section. Kayleigh and I looked at each other with the same expression. We then went to the 'Witty' section and had a flick through the books. Kayleigh glanced at a book, turned to me and said "Can I ask you a serious question? Do bats have bollocks?" I was like "what!?" She then showed me the book. She found a book called 'Living With An Emo Kid' which I bought her for Chrimbo. I saw a book that I really like the look of- 1001 Ridiculous Ways To Die.
We were in the queue in WStones, and some old woman wlaks up to the counter and says "Excuse me, I need a diary and I can't find them." The staff at the counter turned and politely said "I'm actually serving someone at the minute, I'll be with you in a bit." The old woman was realy rude, stating "But I need a diary NOW!" I was like 'Alright!'
When I was paying for the book, Kayleigh said "Look Mo, you're buying a book about yourself!" I was too busy paying to say anything back.
I then said I needed to get home to do my round and so we walked to Fleming (ugh) Way where we said our goodbyes.

I got home to find Adolf there for no reason. And he has a stupid rule of no shoes on the carpet, so I avoided going in further than the hall. Not once did I even poke my head round the door to say hi. That's what he gets for being a miserable dictator.

Media with Julian was.. different. All I did was mess about on Logic Express, making a tune out of various samples. If I say so myself, I think it's turned out pretty well. Not finished, but what's there is good.


P.S I still haven't finished my room. ¬_¬

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