Saturday 6 December 2008

Ho hum

It would appear I haven't updated for a week again. Woops.

At least it wasn't like last time where I logged in to read the blogs I'm following and not bother to write my own. I seriously, haven't touched this website in a week.

I got my new PC on Wednesday and lost all my MSN emoticons. And most of my music. Well, I say 'my' when it was harddrive of the entire music collection in the house. Now I just have my music.

Been confined to my room today- going through it to try and throw out some detritus. I've managed to half the number of books on my shelf and make room for my Ferraris, so I guess I achieved something. Not much else happening though.


P.S- Just been reading the blogs I've missed in my abscence and watched a video I took on Shygirlslose and it suddenly dawned on me- I HAVE A HHHHHHHHORRIBLE VOICE!

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