Friday 28 November 2008

"Don't worry, we're potential buyers."

I woke up REALLY late today, the latest I woken up on a Friday so far. Hey, it was nice ^^

The day only really started after Crit Think finished and I sat with Kayleigh, Sarah and Freya. We were talking about Elara and her donkey-boyfriend. Whom she's never seen a picture of. Paedophilia?

Soon after, Mullinz, Sarah, Kayleigh and I went on a wander around college and found 'Curry Corner'. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Then we found a random empty corridor with fire doors at the end and Kayleigh asked "Do you think they'd say something if we opened those and pulled in a bed?" and we started saying how'd we'd transform the corridor into a nice living place and how, somehow, we'd end up painting the walls. As we left, Kayleigh turned to the people hanging around the stairwell next to aforementioned corridor and said "Don't worry, we're potential buyers.' and we just left. The poor souls must've been quite bewildered.
We then went to the English staff room where Sarah went in for some reason. Whilst she was in there, Kayleigh, Mullinz and I ran for it. We sprinted down the corridor, sped through the Fuckchimp Arena and 'hid' under the stairs, panting and sniggering. She knew where we were. So we sat there for a while, just generally mucking about. Mullinz produced his phone and played 'Men In Black' theme and subsequently sent it to Kayleigh.

English, and Pete said he was doing Form A's individually and said he wouldn't be in the room. Fast forward about an hour, and Joe's phone rings. Jardine (whose name is spelt with a Z, rather than J...) laughs for no reason. Me and Nia just turn to each other like "It's really not funny." Jardine, who seemed to be wearing footwear like that of slippers, noticed because she kept giving us dark looks. Ah well.

We were analysing these texts and one of them was about landscaping and architechture. I turned to Nia and said "What do you think the audience of this text is? Probably middle-aged men with combovers who have nothing better to do than position fountains and trees to convey a particular meaning." This quickly moved on to the subject of gardens, and having one INSIDE the house. You'd say to a visitor 'Would you like to see the garden?' and they'd say 'Sure.' where you'd take them upstairs to one of the bed rooms and open it revealing a lawn, patio and a pond. This moved on again to converting your living room to a tropical rainforest where you'd have Monkey Butlers. A pretty cliched idea, I know, but hey, whatcha gonna do?

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