Monday 10 November 2008

This Isn't A Pipe...

Waiting outside Dave's for what seemd like years, I turn to Manda and say "What would you do if Dave wasn't in and the lesson was cancelled?" She just looks at me and go "Martyn, don't say that! Now you've got me hoping that'll be the case." So Dave turns up and all Manda does is give me a disapproving look.

Dave's lesson was the same as always- copying down a boring old slideshow. I may get lynched for this (I do most days anywiz) but I think Ron's lessons are more exciting. I think it maybe the disruption my little troupe cause.

Anywiz, Dave brought up a picture of a pipe with the caption of 'Ceci n'est une pipe', which is french for this blogs title. Dave handily translated it for us and immediately after I blurted out "This is an M&S pipe." Is it bad that the only person who laughed is Dave?
Also, we were asked to captionise some pictures, one of which was a picture of a naked man in public. I suggested "I know I've forgotten something..." and Dave said that's what he had imagined the caption to be as well. It's quite terrible, having the same sense of humour as your Comm & Cult teacher, is it not?
Soon after, Anne-Marie asked Dave what his favourite band is, and he replied with Sonic Youth. He then went to ask our table (not the class, just OUR table) what our favourite bands are. My crap memory can't tell me what Manda's was, but Elena said Radiohead was one of her favourites. Dave agreed, moved onto me and I said AFI. He goes "Never heard of them." I told him to go and search them on Yout. I asked if he liked Rush at all and he said "Nah, they're too heavy metal for me." Rush are a prog rock band. Get it right Dave.

During the break, nothing really happened besides me getting my jeans torn into shorts which look a MESS. I don't know why I let Jae and Emily do it. but what's done is done I guess.


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