Tuesday 11 November 2008

An Epic Time Wasted

College finished at 1 today, so what did I do with my afternoon off? Came home and stuffed my face whilst watching over a B-spec race I had going on GT4. What a sad existance I lead.

Wind the clocks back to the start of the day, I got up feeling ok. I went downstairs to grab some food before I got the bus to college and I felt slightly.. drunk. It's the only way I could describe it! I told mum this and said "Does this make me an alcoholic?" Mum replied with "Did you get up too quick?"
"No, it's only since I've come downstairs."
It was all very wierd.
Later on the bus, I told Kayleigh the same thing and she too asked had I gotten up too quick. "No, I only felt like it when I got downstairs." She too was quite freaked by it. Then she told me and Laura how, after 2 weeks and 3 days of straight edge-ness she's begginning to feel the effects. Even so, I hope she can stick with it. Good luck Kayleigh.

English with Mel was... well, the same as it usually is really. Why are all my lessons boring as shite? No need to answer Kayleigh, I know it already.

In the main Foyer at 11, we had a 2 minute silence that turned into 11 minutes. The actual silence was 2 minutes, but we had a trumpet played and then the choir sang for a bit and then more trumpet. Afterwards, I heard some guy say "Bring on the trumpets!" Milli was all "Oh my god, I'm never gonna get that 11 minutes back!" I have to say, I'm with her on this one.

And then me, Kayleigh, Lozz and Aaron sat on the floor for a while, me being abused like I usually am. After about an hour or so, Kayleigh and Lozz went off to the cinema together whilst I came home and- well you read the first paragraph.

Here's to a more interesting tomorrow.


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