Friday 7 November 2008


Spent my morning watching half of Episode 1 of Series 12 of Top Gear, making myself a fried egg sandwich for breakfast and doing my round. And sorting out my Student Travelpass.

I got to College and the fist person I saw was Bexiee. First thing I say to her? "You got 30p I can borrow?" I hadn't had a drink all morning, and was gasping for a Relentless. Luckily, she did have the money, so I was able to hydrate and hyper up. Even if I don't get hyper on Relentless.
Halfway through my can, Louis from my Crit Think class came over (I had the lesson next) and we saw Amy and we decided to waltz to the class together.
Lori's lesson wasn't bad, but nothing stood out. Nothing in Crit Think ever does.

Lunch break, and Lauren decides to attack me with her silver paint pen and Sarah's Sharpie pen. I was transformed into FailCat. Both Kayleigh and Sarah took photos of the occaision. And Sarah wrote 'I *heart* RON' on the floor where she was sat. That was quite funny.

English with Pete wasn't bad. We had to print and bring in e-mails for the lesson and I picked a fantastically crap spam I got sent a while back. Nia and I spent a few minutes laughing at how crap the whole idea of Spam is. Then she noticed the front of my notepad (specifically a Cyanide & Happiness-esque comic strip) and said "Looks like Cyanide and Happiness." I confessed, saying it was an inspiration of mine. She then proceeded to give me a couple of other webcomics to look at (which I haven't yet...).

After college, I walked to Town with Kayleigh and Sarah which was fairly hilarious. Especially since Kayleigh and I were acting out different Javey scenarios. Then we went our seperate ways.




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