Friday 14 November 2008

"I shall turn into a frog and spontaneously combust!"

I think my Friday's might follow the same pattern- get up, watch Top Gear, do paper round and go off to college.

I got into college 20 minutes before my Crit Think lesson started and just sat around Gay Bay for that time. Not much happened.
Nothing really happened in my lesson either, we just watched some Kilroy for no reason whatsoever.

Would anything interesting happen in my lunch break then? Yes, actually. I wandered around aimlessly for about 20 minutes, and then adjorned to the library where I thumbed through NME. I got bored of that quite quickly, and I'd spotted Amber on her lonesome so I joined her one her 'Table of Lonliness'. Or so she called it. She told me she was swotting up on her maths after getting 54% on her last exam. But she pointed out that this was an improvement over her previous 52% score. Not much, but an improvement is an improvement.
We then started playing game upon game of Noughts & Crosses. The majority of matches we played no-one won. BUT we got bored of this and decided to mess around, saying we'd won with crooked lines and then it turned into Who Could Block Off An O/X. I decided that the blocked off X could leap frog round the grid and Amber came out with "I shall turn into a frog and spontaneously combust!" which made no sense whatsoever.
We then tried playing the Who Can Make A Square game (I have no idea if that's the actual name, but still...). Needless to say I failed miserably at that.

English, and... well it was the same as usual really. I do remember Jardine laughing WAY too much at something, but it must have been something really insignificant 'cos I'm buggered if I can remember.

Dad's over the weekend. Which means I'll have little or no computer access. However, Liz and I are being left to our own devices tomorrow night, so it should be ok.


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