Only thing that really happened was my cousin Fiona came round to do her Virgin Vie party (basically sell a load of beauty products) and she brought James with her. I commented on James' Billabong hat, saying "Why're you wearing a tea-cosy on your head?" It really did look like a tea cosy. He got me back by commenting my height (or rather lack of). I then had a nice jacket potato with prawns. Fiona was gutted we didn't leave her any prawns. I didn't care, and James and I had bowls of ice cream we were munching on. Ver' nice!
Fi also straightened my hair properly, doing the underneath bits and evrything. I loved it when it was done.
'Party' time and Liz and I were forced to sit in the middle of this circle of women, both young and old. Mind you, I got two packs of Haribo out of it so it wasn't all bad.
Woke up late, and enjoyed a nice boiled egg for breakfast. Then walked to Morrisons with Mum, Liz and Grandma. Bought a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream *drools* Love that stuff.
We got back and then we went out for lunch at a very nice pub. I had Red Snapper for the first time and it was very delicious. Red Snapper is fish by the way. Then for pudd'n, I had what was called a Frozen Chocolate Orange Bombe. Basically some orange syrup stuff covered in chocolate ice cream and served frozen. 'Twas very tasty when I got into it. Afterwards I just spent the day lazing around.
Had smoked haddock for breakfast this morning. My GOD, what a gorgeous breakfast! Complete with orange juice, it has to be the most English breakfast I've possibly had xD
Spent the day lazing around really, reading, watching Danger Mouse. Where I was sat, I couldn't see the TV all that well, but I couldn't be bothered to move but I still tried to watch it. Grandpa walks in and says to me "You'll strain your eyes!" but I could've sworn he said "You'll strangle yer eyes!"
That was pretty much the most exciting things that happened whilst I was at my grandparents. And tomorrow I'm meeting Lozz in town, so that should be good.
P.S I FORGOT! IT FUCKIN SNOWED ON TUESDAY NIGHT! It looked like this on the following morning:
1 comment:
I bet you didn't save me any fucking Haribo OR B&J's Cookie Dough. You mother absolute fucker.
And I HATE snow *scrooges off*
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