Friday 24 October 2008

"Any Reason Why You Look Like A Prick?"

Dressed up for college today. What a fucking palavour!

Since I couldn't get my Nurse Joker outfit sorted, I decided to punk it up. So that meant styling my normally style-less hair. Fun.
Let me tell you, mohawking long hair is not fun. The tips kept flopping over so I decided to hairdry the gel so it would stay. Didn't work. So I used some coloured gel I had, and that worked better. I then decided to spray the right side of my hair green and the left side red. All in all, 3 layers on my hair. Needless to say it was SOLID. Complete the outfit with too many fake piercings, safety pinned jeans, t-shirt with snotty slogan, leather jacket and cheap punk style gloves, and I'm ready to hit the road.

First off, getting credit at my local TESCO. Someone I know was doing work exp there and they saw me. They just said "I'm not gonna ask. Most fake piercings I've seen in my life." and then when I was served, the woman behind the counter didn't say much to me. I wonder why...

Next, the bus journey. I got on the bus, and not soon after a young boy and his father boarded, sitting a few rows in front of me. I caught the kid staring at me with awe. Bless 'im.
Then I walked through town. Luckily I got through unscathed xD

I entered college, and people weren't sure what to make of me. Sarah saw me and called "Mo!" and promptly took a picture. Xander announced to everyone that I was angry at the Government and shouted "Fuck Thatcher!" quite loudly. Shame I had to go to lesson soon after.

Critical Thinking. I walked in and Amy peered round Lori. Her comment- "Wow!" Lori said the same. Shaun just said "What the..?" and Jess decided I looked kind of like John Travolta. Ben turned round and replied "How do you see John Travolta in that!?" Thanks Ben. Johnny, who was on the same bus as me, said "You were the guy I sat next to one the bus! I didn't recognise you!" I don't blame him.

Hour break, and Mullinz decided to take up Laura's mantle of Passion Killer (see Shy Girls Lose) by offering 'poppadom' whenever Loz and I decided to have intimate moments. The urge to crunch his nose was unbearable.

English was ok- I was late and Pete had a quick word. I walked in, sat down and Nia turns to me and says "So, any reason why you look like a prick?" I think that phrase just sums up todays outfit. I just said "Why not?"

Afterwards, I had a nice time with Loz and then was late meeting Tash in the outlet. Oops. Anyway, met up with Tash for a brief time and had a nice chat about iPods and Deathnote.

Having a shower was great- I HAVE MY HAIR BACK!

Your friendly neighbourhood Mo.

P.S Bless Milli- on noticing my fake piercings, one of which was my septum, she said twice "You should get your septum done."

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