Friday 17 October 2008

Goat Fucker

Oops. It seems I haven't updated all week. Time to rely on my memory, and pick out the best bits...

MONDAY: Elena and I again had a Win-Fail war. To be honest, that is getting quite boring. But when Dave started talking to us about genre, he gave an example of heavy metal. He said 'If you saw a cd with a band dressed in lots of leather and beards with a name like.. I don't know, GOAT FUCKER, you'd expect them to play metal.' The name Goat Fucker reduced one girl to hysterics for a few minutes. That was the only exeptional thing that happened really.

TUESDAY: Nothing much happened at college, the day only livened up when I went to Scouts. Basically I spent the night running round Lydiard Park in the semi-darkness (damned light pollution). That was good.

WEDNESDAY: Again, not much happened besides Communication with Ron. Ron had mixed up our usual seating arrangement so that Elena and I had Amanda sat between us. But that changed after the break- back to business as usual xD. Then I walkied to Town with Kayleigh and Bexiie. Bexiie was on about how she had 36 friends on MySpace (I have 76) and Kayleigh turns and says bluntly 'I don't care.' Classic.
After I did my paper round, I went to meet Dan, Gary, Debbie, Kim, Katie (I think) and others on the top floor of Debenhams car park. One of the best moments was when Katie took off her bra, showed it to everyone and said 'Is this not the biggest bra you ever did see?' Dan agreed, took it from her, walked over to the edge of the carpark and DROPPED THE BRA. That. Was. HILARIOUS! Katie went down to retrieve it, pissed off needless to say.

THURSDAY: I decided to go to Tim's Critical Thinking lesson and regretted it. Why did I leave my DS at home!?
Tutor One-on-One meetings, although Sarah and Lauren were both there xD They had theirs as well. We spent most of the time cracking eachother up. It's Nigels fault. When Kayleigh had her tutor, we sat outside being general idiots xD Good day.

So that's the highlights of my week. Maybe next week I'll update on a daily basis...

Your friendly neighbourhood Mo.

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