Thursday 9 October 2008

Old Town Registration Plates

I very almost missed the bus this morning. Oh dear.

Not that it mattered since I 'forgot' to go to Tim's Critical Thinking lesson... But anyway, I spent the two hours in Gay Bay rather than being bored outta my mind. The occupants of Gay Bay for these hours were: Milli, Dudley, Jenny and Maggot for the first hour, and then Maaike joined us for some of the second hour.

Conversation topic for the duration of the first hour- Milli's funeral. Apparently, when Milli dies, she wants to be Taxidermied. Apparently, that's illegal. Except in Alabama. So, we hatched a marvelous plan- when Milli is on her death bed, we'd fly her to Alabama and taxiderm her there. Quite.
We kind of gave up on that plan, and started talking about funeral proceedings instead. Milli told us that she wanted to be placed atop a weed bonfire, drenched in Tequila and set alight. So this sparked off funeral plannings for Dudley's funeral. Maggot suggested put him in a Viking Longboat, push it out on a lake and flaming arrows are shot at this 'coffin boat' so it bursts into flame in the middle of a lake.
We then decided that funeral's were a bit of a morbid subject so we started talking about wedding days. Milli isn't going to have a Maid of Honour, but a Maid of Horror. Fair enough. Then Dudley turned to me and suggested we get together. We decided that Chris was gonna be either the Vicar (wouldn't Chris be a great vicar?) or Dudley's Best Man. Sorry Dudley, still haven't got a date xD

Whilst we're on the subject of Dudley, he announced to everyone that he'd spent the night alone in the middle of Old Town, stoned. Apparently, it was 'fucking cold'. He came in carrying what I can only describe as a tent bag. He showed the contents of this bag and he had stolen 5 registration plates. He also shared his brilliant but useless invention- Bullet-proof registration plates.

Conversation topic of hour 2: Debates on who was better/fitter. This was when Maaike had joined us. Maggot had in her possession all 3 Pirates of the Carribbean DVD's. Of course this sparked off a huge arguemtn of which film Johnny Depp was fitter in. Maggot took an incredibly long time deliberating this. Even then I don't think she came up with an answer. We spent the remainder of the time facing each other with Person vs Person debates. I can't remember the majority of these people, but all I know is Mike said "It all comes down to this: M Shadows or Synyster Gates?" I looked at him and replied "Zacky Vengeance." Then, rather than just including film/music stars, we turned our attention to TV stars. Well, more Mike did when he said "Dr. Cox or JD?" I think the majority vote was for JD. then Mike suggested Elliot or Jordan. I went for Elliot.

When the two hours of 'lesson' were over, I started circling the stairs for no good reason. I quickly got bored of this so went to play more Mario Kart on my DS. Then Loz came and we soon had to wander up to Tutor with Nigel. That was as useless as ever. Sarah was given a new timetable which still wasn't right. I was so tempted to yell at Nigel "Damn it Nigel, can't you do anything right!?" Evrything is Nigel's fault y'see. Fact.

For the proceeding three hours of break (Kayleigh's break, I coulda gone home) I sat with Loz and Sarah in the library whilst they attempted to do their english homework. Aaron and Kayleigh soon joined us and we had a jolly good time just sat their talking about nothing. Kayleigh was highly amused by one of Sarah's monkehs as she kept flailing it's arms around. If I admit, it was pretty hilarious. After two hours, Loz had to go to photography. I followed, since I had forgotten my zipper at the Gay Bay.
I returned to the library where more monkeh madness ensued. Then Kayleigh wanted to get some Relentless so we left the library. Well, she saw Tom Mullins on the way out which could only mean one thing- hours of non-stop laughter. When those two get together they are MENTAL!
Soon after, Kayleigh and Srah went off for their lesson and I headed home.

I almost fell asleep on the bus! I was sat there, listening to my music almost nodding off. I decided to get off the bus and walk to wake myself up. The fact that I saw my sister and her friends helped also. I say friends, there is one guy whom we all don't like- Tom. It's been a while since I saw him last and he hasn't really changed. He still can't ride a bike xD and as he was cycling off, long blonde hair flowing bahind him, I turned to everyone else- "You what Tom reminds me of? A Barbie doll." Not the face, just the hair. That's how crap this guy is xD Everyone laughed and agreed.

So to summarise: Milli wants everyone stoned at her funeral, Dudley has learnt not to spend the night in Old Town (I hope), EVERYTHING is Nigel's fault, Kayleigh + Mullins = BAD!, Tom = Barbie.

Your friendly neighbourhood Mo

1 comment:

Kayleigh Puget said...

I find it funny that your writing style gets more and more like mine every day XD

You legend. x