Saturday, 4 October 2008

"We're Not Going To Fucking Hong Kong!!!"

Today was fun. Besides the doing-fecking-round bit. I am actually gettin sick of that round -_-

Went into Town to meet Jen at 12. She turned up 10 minutes late ¬_¬ but it was good, 'cos I saw Jae walking out of Debenhams and he pointed at me and yelled 'It's Mo!' I also saw Tony, which was equally as good.
Jen waltzed up to me with some of her friends who'd tagged along. These were Sophie, Fern, Hannah, Taylor and Luke. First stop: Primark. The girls went to look at underwear, and us guys followed. We lost the girls for a while so it was Luke Taylor and I stood around in the underwear section. That was slightly awkward.

Next we went to Woolworths, where Luke got a cup of sweets, filled to the brim, and took it to New Look.
Whilst the girls spent AGES doing nothing in particular, Luke, Taylor and I spent our time 'dropping' various candy onto the elevator, just for the hell of it. That was great. We then got bored of that so I suggeseted we go and sit on the sofa they have on the ground floor. We sat there for what seemed like FOREVER, just talking about nothing and stealing Luke's sweets. Three chav girls walked past and were like "Hi!". I recall one of them yelling "Fuck me!" We were all 'the fuck?'. They came back after about 15 minutes and we were still there. They looked at us with puzzled expressions and I just said to them "Yeah, we live here. Got a problem?" They walked away after that and Taylor turned to me and goes "Wouldn't it be funny if they came back tomorrow and we were here again?" I cracked up.
After a couple of 5 second calls to the girls telling them to 'hurry the fuck up', they finally appeared. We then made a beeline for Blue Banana.

In Blunana, Fern got another ear piercing and I got a couple pairs of gloves. I only wanted one pair, but because they wouldn't accept my debit card for under £5, I told Jen to go get a pair she liked and I'd buy them. I bought the two pairs and announced "Because I bought these gloves, they are officially mine." and put them in my bag >:] Jen didn't like that much...
We then went to Hawkins Bizaare.

In Hawkins, we spent the time just mucking about. The staff were dressed in pyjamas, exclaiming "It's Pyjama day!" It would be interesting to work in there methinks. We found some amusing stuff in there like Penis/Boob pasta, and a voice changer gadget. We decided that it would be a good idea to call Callum and talk to him through it. The call went a bit like this:
Callum:- "What do you want?"
Me:- "What do you mean 'what do I want'? I want you!"
*callum hangs up*
Everyone cracked up. It was HILARIOUS!

After Hawkins we went somewhere else, and then somewhere else, and a few more shops. Luke and Taylor had it in their heads that I'd be buying them each a Subway. I told them where to go :]
In the end, I bought myself a sub, as did Luke and Taylor. Luke turned to me and goes "That was an awesome sandwich" I agreed, saying I fucking LOVE Subway.

We then ended up back at Hawkins for no reason, and we just sat in there, pretty much on the floor. Reading random books and mucking about with half a guitar.

After the pointless second visit to Hawkins, we started making our way back to Fleming Way (what a horrid name for a road.) and, upon passing some travel shops, Sohpie grabbed my wrist, dragged me over to the window and said "Where are you taking me on holiday then?" I was like 'What!?' then she had to pick one of the most expensive places- Hong Kong. She kept hold of me and said "So, you're paying for all of us to go, yeah?" I declined but she kept going on and on. In the end I just roared in her face "We're Not Going To Fucking Hong Kong!!!" She laughed. Which I found rude.

Soon, we bumped into Callum, who was in town with his brother. He looked at me and said "Why are you hanging out with a bunch of year 10's Martyn? Did all your other friends leave you?" That pissed me off a fair bit. I didn't think of it then, but what I should've said is 'Why are you in town with your brother? Did your friends not want to join you?' or something along those lines. I'm still slightly mad now.

And now, I need to go and sort out my 80s hair, before Kayleigh arrives at 7.15.

Your friendly neighbourhood Mo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was in with Sadie, Claire, and Becky. Liam just tagged along for the ride half way through ;).
And I hung up because I couldn't hear what you were saying, so y'know :).
