We spent most of the evening making fun of my sister, Dad mocking her use of 'Like' and how gullable she is. I am not kidding when I say she said "Really!?" to the age old 'Gullable doesn't appear in the dictionary' line. I love my sister xD
I told Dad about the 80's party I'm off to on Saturday, and said I was undecided about my hairstyle and he suggested a style from Flock of Seagulls.
And here it is. Yes, my hair is hopefully going to be like that of Mr circled here. It's gonna be immense.
I was ordered to look on Google Images for the style by searching 'Flock of Seagulls' and I jokingly said "What, and come up with a load pictures of birds?" and he just replied "No, you'll definately get the band." Which I did xD
But when we started talking about the birds, Dad expressed his disgust for them b describing them as "Ice cream stealing, bin theiving avian rats!" Liz tried to point out they don't steal ice cream but rather chips. Dad replied with "They steal all manner of things.", prompting my dear sister to come out with "So they can steal things like hair and virginity?" Me and Dad proceeded to laugh. Dad told her "I said they steal all manner of things, not everything." Turning on the sarcasm, he says "Actually, they did steal my hair" (he's bald y'see) and Liz, hilariously, shows her true gullableness by exclaiming "Really!?". Cue more laughter from Dad and I.
Moving from the subject of the 80's and flying rodents, we (by which I mean Liz) started talking about Heath Ledger's Joker, and the amazing pencil trick he pulls of. Dad explains how it really isn't that hard to stick a pencil through someone's eye, since it's nothing but soft tissue to the back of your skull- 1. Eyeball 2.Optic nerve 3. Brain. Beautiful.
We then started talking about death and the worst ways to die. Dad is petrified of either Drowning or Burning to death. I don't blame him really. And it was just as well that we'd stopped eating by then. The conversation closed promptly after we were talking about Liz near drowning and the horrific pain of being burnt, and Dad's closing comment of "What a morbid subject!"
We then had dessert (Belgian Waffle Stack) and he brought us home. Mum was in the shower so we watched The Simpsons whilst we waited. Mum came down, started ranting about her job, and then Dad left. See him in another two weeks.
In other news, dear Kayleigh made me a new blog banner simply because she was bored. Bless. Thank you Kay!
Your friendly neighbourhood Mo.
1 comment:
I am a lovely bitch aren't I?
Oo-er, what an oxymoron that was!
Cannae wait, man.
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