Saturday 13 December 2008

Yeah, but it's just his face.

Today was amazin'.

At first, I thought 'Ah shit.' as I looked out the window to be faced with sheets of rain. And I had to do both my own and my sister's paper rounds. Thank God it decided to stop as I went out xD

Then I went on to meet Hayley at hers so she could jazz up my hair. That worked well, so we wandered into town.

On the bus there, we went past these two chavs who had 'parked' their car so badly it looked abandoned. Really. We also almost collided with a Saab, simply cos they pulled a gutsy move and the bus driver kept on going. Twas funn.

In town, we were in Blue Banana when Ash and Kyle waltzed in. Kyle has grown his hair quite long and dyed it blonde. It looks... HHHHHHHHHORRIBLE! Hayley and I walked out and I said to Hayley "I really don't like Kyle's hair." She replies "Yeah, he needs to re-dye it." I said back "No, it's just the colour." And she just came out with "Yeah, but it's just his face." Apparently it was a case of verbal diahorrea. She meant it really. Either way, I just cracked up. She sounded so serious when she said it.
Onto Zaavi, and we just basically walked through without looking at anything, and as we came out, all I heard was some guy walking in saying "Every shop I've been in, it just smells of POO!" And that was it. Hayley found it equally hilarious.
We went to Woolworths to try and pick up some bargains. I managed to get my mum and Liz a cd each from there. Then we went to HMV where I got my dear papa a cd and myself a Deathnote DVD. I'm happy ^^
By this time, we were both feeling hungry so we went on to MaccyD's for some grub. Before we went in, I looked at the giant screen to check the time- 14.25. I ordered our meals, paiud for them and we went upstairs to find some seats. On the table next to us were a bunch of kids desperately in need of some maturity. I just murmered to Hayley "There's a time and a place, and it's late at night in the gay bar." She had to hold back her laughter. Hayley then paid me back whilst we were eating, and we then left. Cue another look at the big screen for time- 14.55 We had spent HALF AN HOUR in McDonalds. I was astounded.
We then went to get some hairspray for me and then went back to hers to use some. Hayley is a very good hair stylist. My hair looked frickin awesome.

Then I went back home, had tea and was ordered by Adolf to basically empty my room and throw EVERYTHING away. I'm still not finished.


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