Sunday 21 June 2009

Disney Bint

Went into town with Liz, primarily to get Dad and Adolf something for Father's Day. First place we went was Peacocks, where we managed to get Dads FD present- a Dangermouse t-shirt. We then did a bit of browsing (I can't remember the ins and outs) and I got myself some Skullcandy headphones which are bloody epic. I also got Liz a CD by an artist she likes. Heard of Demi Lovato? Neither had I. Apparently she was in Camp Rock. Yes, she's a Disney Bint, just like Miley Cyrus. But anyway, I got myself a purehmv reward card. I took a look at some of the rewards and was amazed and depressed by what I saw. Signed 'Dead Set' script? Amazing. Pair of VIP tickets for Reading fest? Depressing- I have to spend £550 in the next couple of months inorder to get enough points. Ain't gonna happen. I forgot what else we did in town.
After we came home, did some stuff, ate tea and then watched Micheal McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. That man is brilliant. No other way to describe him. Although just as the show started, I had a phone call. I told them I was watching MMCR and they asked the most horrific questions ever- "Who's Micheal McIntyre?" I was speechless.

A complete day of doing bugger all. I would've watched the F1, but as I sat down to do so, Adolf said "I'll record it, because I'm going to put a film on." I came down lan hour later only to find bloody Star Trek Voyager on Virgin 1. If he didn't want me to watch it, he should've just bloody said. So instead I cut the grass, had a shower, had tea (sat down too late to watch the new Top Gear start- got it recorded. Ah, Sky +) and now sat here doing... well bugger all really.

Tomorrow I really need to start that english we were given 2 weeks to do...


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