Tuesday 16 June 2009

"I'm in love!"

Fuck. I get into college (the foyer currently looks like a rat maze with pictures an sculptures- fine art exhibition y'see) and suddenly realise my english lesson isn't taking place. So I'm in college, at 8.40, and my next lesson is at 1 pm. Great.

So, I have 4 hours to kill. How do I kill them? By joining Ellie in her media lesson. Shame I take media myself so Una recognised me ¬_¬ Ah well, was all good fun going on Facebook and watching Dr Wig and The Shrimp Shack Shooters. Yes. Lozz came in half an hour late and unveiled her breakfast- a can of Monster, with Monster Ripper for afters. Ver' naice.

During the break, we bumped into Kayleigh. Because Lozz had been assigned a task to create an advertising poster for anti-bullying/drugs, she decided to use Kayeligh as a model, as she does with all her photography. We went out to the back of the college near the kitchens where most of the rubbish is left, and Kayleigh used some of Lozz's make up to create track marks. She also used Gus' hoodie string as a prop. Knew it would come in handy. We then went back to Una. Well I say 'we', I was ditched -_- I later found them again and they told me they'd gone to get food. But not before Lozz taught Kayleigh the piano intro to Welcome To The Black Parade.

My own media lesson was... fairly dull, actually. Media usually is.

After college, Kayleigh, Lozz and I walked into town. On the way, Lozz picked up a purple daisy and stuck it behind her ear. She then proceeded to pick both me and Kayleigh one and stuck them behind our ears. Please forgive me, but I said "I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair." I know, it was a god awful thing to do, and I'm sorry. Truly madly deeply.
We then got to Queens Park where we 'eurghed' at people for a bit, and witnessed an old man foraging in the bin. No, I'm not entirely sure either.
We then met Elliot who went back home to try and find his cheque. Whilst he did that, Kayleigh, Lozz and I wandered up to Blue Banana to see Blue Banana Fittie (from their point of view, I must stress) and he was there. We spent a good while in there, Lozz and Kay mostly drooling over BBF. Just as we were looking at the hair dye, these two guys approached us and asked us if we wanted to go see a gig. We weren't quite sure what to make us this, and Lozz asked for the name of the band. Ready for this? Two Toms, One Cup. Yes, they are parodying Two Girls. This put me off going to see them somewhat. Then Lozz told them that if they were slightly girlier, she may have considered it. They subsequently left. As they did, we discussed what we would do if they actually came back all girled up. It's because we're cool.
Elliot then came back and we sat outside gimmegizmo and eurghed at more people. Kayleigh wanted to see if Boy was working at Topshop, so we made the customary pass. As we did, a tall, skinny guy walked out, dressed in waistcoat and bow tie. Kayleigh saw him and immediately exclaimed "I'm in love!" We later established that the guy looked like one of Kayleigh's drawings come to life. From then on, Kayleigh kept whimpering "I wanna see Drawing Boy again." Can you blame her?

So yeah, just another day in the life of a douche :)


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