Wednesday 17 June 2009

Rainbow Lashes

First off, thanks Liz, for waking me up at twenty to eight. Thanks a lot. Mind you, I did say I was going to be up at half seven...

My day didn't really start until about lunch time. I was sat in the foyer eating my lunch when Mike went over to look at the exam board. All of a sudden, one of the exhibition walls came crashing down. And Mike was the prime suspect. Everyone who I was sat with burst out laughing and applauded. It was hilarious.

Kayleigh turned up, and told about her cataclysmic new myspace layout. She just HAD to show me when I said I hadn't seen it. So we toddled off to the library so she could show me. And boy, is it HOT. I suggest you go look at it RIGHT NOW- LOOK AT THE SHINY SHINY MYSPACE LAYOUT

After this, we bussed to town where our first stop was Greggs. We then sat at the big screen for a while, bitching about the wind and people. It's how we roll. I noticed Muller were distibuting pots of Muller Rice, so I nabbed a few. I was hungry, alright?
We went to stalk Blue Banana Man again. Although this time we just passed, and we noticed he was wearing a sack hat. Kayleigh was again in love.
At some point we went to New Look to browse. We established that the bright coloured tacky produce was the Yam Section and the bright shiny silver produce was the Nick Wiggins Section. Yes, really. Kayleigh found a nice black and white scarf and some clips to buy with her voucher, and she also spied some spectacular fake rainbow eyelashes. I bought them for her. I spoil her, I really do.

On the bus home, I saw someone lose their hat in the wind and chasing after it. I had to hold in my laughter. And, crossing the road with red traffics lights whicch I'd just pressed, this woman scuttled across the road as if they weren't working. They're on red long enough for you to walk, y'know.


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