Saturday 30 October 2010


This is the longest I've been on my computer for a long time. And I daren't do anything like open iTunes to rip my new My Passion CD because it WILL shut down again. I just know it.

So, because of the temperamental state of my computer, I haven't been able to do anything to my media coursework. Yay for long days at college, and I know Una is going to bitch at me for it. Hopefully I'll be able to do something worthwhile to it at college next week.

Dressing up for work tomorrow, because it's Halloween. Luke's going as the Mad Hatter, which will be fun, Matt's going as a zombie. But not dressed up. No, he'll be a zombie because, and I quote: "I'll still be drunk." Nice logic. No idea what Alice or Keiran are going as, but I'm going as Johnny Depp from Once Upon a Time in Mexico. As in, this:

Oooh, I'm looking forward to it. I just need to get some decent fake blood. I really want to do this well, and do it justice. I'm sure there will be pictures ;D

That's about all from me, so until next time (my computer behaves),

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Fuck My Computer. Piece of shit likes to turn off randomly, and then take fucking ages to boot up again. I doubt I'll get much work done this year -_-'

Still, half term next week, which means loads of free time. Oh wait, no, it means more hours at work. Oh, the joys of retail *dances* Never mind, eh. And to think I had booked to do work experience at the Adver...


Monday 11 October 2010

Music, CD's and Shows.

I do apologise it's taken this long to report in, I'm sure you're all dying to know how my night out went ;D

Very well, since you asked. Alice and I had a fanperson moment when we were talking ver' excitedly about My Chemical Romance's comeback, particularly their new song Na Na Na. This bodes well for the forthcoming album, I'm just gutted I can't make it to any of their UK shows they've just announced :( Hopefully they'll do an album tour once it's out.

Speaking of CD releases, The Light Divided released their EP recently, and are selling it on their current tour. If you can, get down to your nearest show. These guys are brilliant, and it would be great for them to have loads of people turn up. If you need any more convincing, have a look on their myspace.

Whilst we're on the subject of gigs, you might like to know I saw Michael Buble over the weekend. Some of you may be surprised by this, considering the majority of my music taste isn't like him at all, but I saw him live. Admittedly, I went for my sister, but by the end of it, I found myself enjoying it. It was a good night, sat in a sold out NIA in Birmingham with the whole crowd singing most of his songs for him. Liz got herself some merch, so needless to say she was happy.

Besides all this, not muach has happened. College, work. The same old humdrum stuff really. Yeah for interesting lives.

Until next time,

Thursday 30 September 2010


Snoozy snoozy. College has taken it's toll on me this week; I don't have any energy to do ANYTHING D:
Tomorrow is going to be interesting. College from 9-12, work from 1-8 and then going out on the town for Lotty's 19th. Quite how I am going to function on Saturday is beyond me. Maybe espresso intravenously?

In other news, I went to see Resident Evil: Afterlife today. My overall opinion is that they have included a few zombie characters from the games, which is always good for a game-film adaptation (the zombie characters being the ones with squid like beasts coming out their mouths and giant axe man) but besides that, it didn't really leave a lasting impression. There was no real thrill in the film, just a few jumpy sections but that was it. And as for the 3D aspect... Too many slow-mo sequences, too much focus on the special effects to make the film outstanding. By all means, go and see it, just don't expect to be blown away.


Sunday 26 September 2010

Rocket Science

1. Find seemingly correct shoe size of particular style.

2. Find place to try on aforementioned shoe.

3. Wrong size. Ask assistant for correct size.

4. Find other styles. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

5. Once finished, put shoes in respective boxes and put boxes back in (roughly) correct place.

How hard can it be? Very, as it would appear. Today, in the last half hour at work, it seemed peoples sole intention was to utterly trash the shop. I had to put 3 different pairs of kids shoes away, and then about 5 pairs of women's away. I wouldn't mind if the shoes were put back in the box; hell, if the box lid was still open I wouldn't mind.
But no. One family had to buck the system and leave every fucking shoe out of the box. They weren't bothered, they had bought the shoes they wanted. I just walked away to take a breather, head buried in my hands. Don't laugh, this is serious.


Saturday 25 September 2010

Shit Day

Don't you hate it when little things in your day go wrong, and they all build up to make your day ultimately shit? Just like my day today.


Friday 24 September 2010

At Last! But For The Best?

I'm officially back in college! *cheers, applause etc.* Took it's frickin' time, and some pushing from my tutor, I will admit (Her name is Silva Gems. I shit you not.) but I'm in. Had to okay it with my teachers which was terrifying to say the least. I knew they wouldn't be too enthusiastic about letting me back in, but boy, they were extreme. Maybe I'm exaggerating when it comes to Dave and Una but Pete.... *sucks teeth* I was lucky to get on. He's warned me if anything slips up, I'm off. Gulp.
But now that I'm in, starting a proper week next week, I find myself questioning my actions. Yes, I want to boost up my grades, but have I really done the right thing? What if, after all of this, I find that my best is my best, and I come out with the same results? A colossal waste of a year, and then what? Destined to spend my life working in mediocre jobs because I'm just academically crap?
I suppose I should be optimistic, and say to myself "C'mon, you can do this!" and, inside, I know I can do better but when I have these niggling thoughts in the back of my mind, it's hard to stick to it.
However, upon my return, a few friends didn't seem to be overwhelmed that I was back. Either they were, and they didn't show it, or they just weren't that bothered. Either way, I have a few other friends in college now, and new people to meet in different classes, so that gives me a chance to branch out.

I guess one factor playing to my doubts is the amount of work I've been doing at Skechers. As much as I may hate it sometimes, especially mid week when no bugger comes in, I've really enjoyed just going in and having a laugh with the other guys. Whilst it might not be the best option (I am only part time, after all), the thought of dropping college altogether and going into work proper has crossed my mind. Whilst it's not my original plan, it does seem like a good option, especially with the hours I've been putting in at the moment. It's handy having a good source of income when I have things like driving lessons to pay for, it lets me have some disposable income. But then do I want to ditch my chances of getting better grades thus a better job, just for the sake of more dinero?

As you can see, there is a continuous battle in my head at the moment, and quite frankly, I'm not enjoying it.

Until next time,