Sunday 26 September 2010

Rocket Science

1. Find seemingly correct shoe size of particular style.

2. Find place to try on aforementioned shoe.

3. Wrong size. Ask assistant for correct size.

4. Find other styles. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

5. Once finished, put shoes in respective boxes and put boxes back in (roughly) correct place.

How hard can it be? Very, as it would appear. Today, in the last half hour at work, it seemed peoples sole intention was to utterly trash the shop. I had to put 3 different pairs of kids shoes away, and then about 5 pairs of women's away. I wouldn't mind if the shoes were put back in the box; hell, if the box lid was still open I wouldn't mind.
But no. One family had to buck the system and leave every fucking shoe out of the box. They weren't bothered, they had bought the shoes they wanted. I just walked away to take a breather, head buried in my hands. Don't laugh, this is serious.


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