Sunday 5 September 2010


Long day at work yesterday. By the end, I drank 3 cups of coffee in the space of an hour, and was pretty much hyped up on caffeine. So much so, I started to dance to Owl City, and Keiran joined in for no reason. A woman walked past and said to us "Are you two happy in your job?" to which I replied "No, I just think I'm delirious. It's been a long day..."

After work, I met with Tash to go to some gathering thing her friend had organised, some alternative music get together thing. It turned out to be a metal gig for a bunch of goths. I was the most colourful one in the entire fucking room, and the bands were pretty awful. Although I got a free vodka jelly shot out of it, so I can't complain really.
Fuck it, I can, and I will. Bloody screamy screamy shit.


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