Monday 13 September 2010


Sorry I have posted much recently, truth be told I just haven't had the time. And when I have had the time, my computer has been winding me up by turning off for no reason. No shut down, just BAM! Off. I need a new machine.

So been working many many hours at work to make up for my holiday. I do get paid holiday, but this months pay is still going to be pants :( And there are talks of another night out. Why is everything so expensive!?

But, I have been doing other things than work. Wednesday night, for example, was spent round Tash's new flat as a kind of house warming thing. Being a BYOB affair, and me coming straight from work, I had barely anything to drink. I had a can of Fosters given to me by Tom (he saw I had no drink, said "I feel sorry for you." and gave it to me) and then a can of Bulmers some time later. At some point during the night, Tash just stood behind me playing with my face. She was somewhat unsober. Oh, and my sock got torn in half.

At the weekend, after 4 hours work (it felt weird being in for such a short period of time), I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I suggest you go see it, before it's gone. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was a lot of fun. It only had one drawback though: the 12 year old girls that were sat behind us. Srsly, they giggled throughout the entire film, even at bits that weren't that funny. They really really hacked me off.

Then, to top off a great weekend, I met up with Hayley yesterday for a mooch around Lydiard Park (or as the sign says, Yd ard P rk) and boy what a hilarious time that was. We discovered 'buttle' was a real word, meaning to work or serve as a butler (but you already knew that) and we caused splashes in the lake. No, not like that you dirty minded reader. We found some giant logs and had immense satisfaction at dropping them in the water. Yes, we are children.

Until next time,

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