Monday 20 September 2010


Wow, it seems it's been nothing but work work work for me recently. Mind you, with all this spare time on my hands, I'm not complaining. More hours = more green, as it were.

But then, I can't get over how much New College are dragging their knuckles in terms of getting me back in. I rang them up last Friday to chase it, and was told "We've got your personal tutor sorted, and you're confirmed on the registers for the subjects you've chosen, we're just waiting on a date for your initial assessment."

Two things:
1) I did the fucking initial assessments when I started, and I've been at college for two years so they know I'm a decent student.

2) If they have everything sorted lessons wise, why not just fucking let me start?

They're being so Neanderthal about the whole thing, it's really started to wind me up. Make me wait any longer, and the fucking term'll be over.


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