Sunday 30 August 2009

Back from Welshland

I am indeed back. Bet none of you missed me.

Holiday blogs will be up shortly (mainly when I can be arsed to type them up)

In the mean time, going to see William Control in September and My Passion in October. Bam.


Friday 21 August 2009

Friday 21st August

4 o bloody clock. That's the time I woke up this morning. And the wierd thing is, Kayleigh was awake at the same time (oh, Facebook Mobile, how I love thee). I told her this, and she said we were 'mind twins'. Bam.

Adolf's life from hereon in is 'quiet'. Quite how he can spend 4 days straight in a poxy caravan is beyond me. Mind you, this is Adolf we're talking about.
So, 'twas another Madre and Liz day. We went to Clandidno for the day The morning weather was atrocious (to the point where Liz and I camped out in the washing up shelter because it was so bad) but thankfully, it cleared up.

The day turned out nice in the end. It's just a shame we spent it shopping. We did eat lunch near the sea front though, and that was good. Except we were harrassed by a seagull. I dealt with it though, so we're still alive. Bloody scavengers.
Whilst in Clandidno, Liz and I devised a new 'dance' move. It's called the Sonic and you basically stick your arms out behind you whilst running on the spot. You end up looking... well a bit of a tit, actually, but the aim was to look like a less blue Sonic the Hedgehog. Lame, eh?


Thursday 20 August 2009

Thursday 20th August

What a bloody awful night. I spent most of it awake thanks to the wind and rain. Adverse weather + canvas = unnecessarily loud. At least it had stopped by morning. Ish.

I swear if Adolf has another quiet day, I'll make his life quiet. Grr.
Consequently, did basically bugger all today. Went to the tearoom by the river where I had a ice cream milkshake -drools- Madre took us on the Llanrwst (Clanroost) Town Trail which was fairly uninteresting. Got some chips out of it though.

MONSTER RIPPER IS HORRIFICALLY OVERPRICED! Common or garden Monster = £1.41 Ripper = £1.7bloody7. Does 50% fruit juics really warrant a 36p price hike? I don't think so. Somerfield, stop being cunts and sell Ripper for the same price as ordinary Monster.


p.s Adolf just TOLD Liz and I how to have our coffees in future. I love that man soooo much...

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Wednesday 19th August

Huzzah! The Welsh weather has finally made its prescence known! Albeit halfway through the day, but our weather luck ran out, nonetheless. I suspect it may have something to do with the fact I texted Kayleigh saying it was tropical this morning...

Adolf had another quiet day. Yes, the idea of having no job to back to is daunting, but for god sake, don't let it ruin the holiday. Sod.
So it was another Madre and Liz day. No bad thing.

We headed off for Betws-y-Coed (Betoos-ah-Koid) and managed to get round 3 shops before the heavens opened. And I didn't even have my hoobie with me. Cocksocks. At least it remained nothing more than drizzle, so I wasn't too drowned.
Kayleigh informed me about a picture of Gus in Kerrang! "It really captures the clearness of his eyes!" she texted. She's bloody right. Possibly the best picture of Gustav ever. Pretty cool.

I'VE FOUND MONSTER IN WALES! Technically, it was Liz who found it, but it's still Monster. And it's the Ripper variety <3 Me favourite.


Tuesday 18 August 2009

Tuesday 18th August

Everyone's been a bit miserable due to the news from yesterday. Adolf so much so that he spent all day moping about in the caravan. Rather than be bored to buggery in a fibreglass box, Madre, Liz and myself all went on a mountain hike.
We've had good luck weather wise this year. Clear blue sky, sunny, warm. Fucking a. The weather only highlighted the beauty of North Wales. Spectacular isn't the word.
After climbing the mountain ("Screw these hills!" wailed Liz), we stopped to have some lunch in a clearing. Whilst we were doing this, I noticed some interesting ruins in the distance. Turns out it was an old mill that was only used for 6 years. It's been abandoned for, as near as makes no difference, 100 years. I was so desperate for a closer look, I dragged the other two halfway back down the mountain so I could, only to be seperated from it by some bastard river. The forest surrounding us, blocking my view wasn't much help either. I begged and pleaded Madre to let me try and cross the river but she was a total and complete killjoy and said no. So I worked with what I got and got some shots.
From then on, I was a bit moody (yes, I was sulking) but you'd understand if you saw it. Pictures don't do it justice.
We got to another ruin of what seemed to be an old cottage or two, made entirely out of slate. We reckoned they were old miners homes, a hypothesis later backed up by a near by mine entrance. "Short walk to work" I remarked, "Nice too." as I observed the scenery.
The walk from then on was a little dull if I'm honest. I reckon people should do it the reverse we did, so they don't get dissappointed.
On the home leg, Madre took us on a ridiculous detour. "It'll only take 25 minutes!" she squawked. 25 minutes later, we were nowhere near where we needed to be. An hour later, we were back. My feet are still hurting now.


p.s I swear Wales has banned Monster. Cannot find the bastard drink ANYWHERE.

Monday 17 August 2009

Monday 17th August

Went to Chester today, but none of that seems important now.

Adolf had a phone call earlier today, and he might be being made redundant. If this happens, it's likely we'll lose the house. Bollocks.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Sunday 16th August

Went to Clandidno for the day, in un-Welsh weather. It's plesantly warm so far this year (but then this is the second day... am I speaking too soon?). And people say global warming is a bad thing?

Liz and myself wandered off on our own to go shopping, and I obliterated her at 'I Win'. Plenty of them, let me tell you that.
We found HMV and Liz, being the Disney fanatic she is, was appalled they didn't have Demi Lovato's newest album in stock. "Demi who?" they say (or so I'd like to think.)
We then found a dingy little place called 'Meradith's Alternatives'. I'll let your imagination decide what they specialise in. What I will tell you though is that the prices are extortinate. Fancy a belt buckle? You'll need to part with £14.99, which is more expensive than some belts on the market. If that's not daylight robbery, I don't know what is. Disgusted, Liz and I left with the pier firmly in our sights.
Ah, the pier. Full of arcade machines; a few familiars such as Air Hockey (a particular favourite of Liz and mine. I won) and some new ones, including a Guitar Hero arcade machine... Pretty Handsome Awkward and Almost Easy are fun to play, even if I opted for medium difficulty.

The best part of the day though, was when we were in ASDA. Liz and I saw a kid sucking a lolly. Fairly unremarkable at first, but we saw him again, only this time in tears and lollyless. As we got to the end of the aisle, we saw the aforementioned lolly on the floor. As we neared, we saw a little girl walk over to the lolly, pick it up and then DUST IT OFF. Liz and I looked on in horror and amusement, saying "No, we know where that's been, put it down!" Gotta love child innocence.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Saturday 15th August

Ouch, my bottom. Sitting on it, in the same place, for 4 hours isn't kind, even if the Volvo does have leather seats.

We got up at half 3 in the morning today. We normally do this, and, in the past, I have fallen back to sleep. Not this year. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I stayed wide awake for the whole 200-odd mile journey. Gay.

As the flatline of England erupted into the hills and valleys of Wales, I noticed something strange. Wales, as we know, is traditionally grey and wet. So you can imagine my surprise when it was clear and bright. Sunny, in laymans terms. In awe, I stared for what seemed an eternity. The bright blue sky slowly darkened to tungsten grey and then the inevitable happened. It rained. Y'know that saying that goes 'If it looks too good to be true, it probably is'? Yeah.
We eventually got to the site where we would be spending the next two weeks. It was still raining. Since we couldn't put the awning up, we ventured into Llandudno (pronounced Clan-did-no) for some breakfast, and in the hope the rain would subside. We found a pub that had acoustics that would make the Wyvern theatre weep. Admittedly, it was a converted theatre we went to, but impressive nonetheless.
By this time, it was about 11am (we'd been in Wales for about 3 hours), but the number of people drinking beggared belief (and by 'drinking', I mean alcoholic drinks). Everywhere you looked there were people holding glasses of beer/lager/piss. And in the midst of it all, there we were drinking coffee (bar Adolf, who doesn't drink hot drinks. At all. Wierdo)

Got back to the site, and the rain had almost stopped- it was half-arsed drizzle, so we just stuck the awning up anyway. Oh, how I love being a caravanist.


Thursday 13 August 2009


Oh dear. Last update: 4th August. And even then it wasn't that interesting.

I would say I'll start blogging again, but there's a snag with that plan- I'm in Wales for two weeks as of Saturday. So I'm gonna take a leaf out of Kayleigh's book, and blog about my holiday when I get back.

So I'll see you all when I get back. Oh, and please bear in mind that it's Wales, so don't expect anything too glitzy.


Tuesday 4 August 2009


After having an insight into the fonts of Kayleigh Control, I decided to pay a visit to the site where she gets her fonts from and downloaded a few that I like the look of...
Like Kayleigh, I have written down the names of the fonts in case you wanted to download them.

With regards to the last font, I have an idea for a picture edit I want to do using it some way. I'm totally free tomorrow, so I'll see if can be bothered to do it. Considering the effort I put into my blog, chance are it won't happen at all.
