Thursday 20 August 2009

Thursday 20th August

What a bloody awful night. I spent most of it awake thanks to the wind and rain. Adverse weather + canvas = unnecessarily loud. At least it had stopped by morning. Ish.

I swear if Adolf has another quiet day, I'll make his life quiet. Grr.
Consequently, did basically bugger all today. Went to the tearoom by the river where I had a ice cream milkshake -drools- Madre took us on the Llanrwst (Clanroost) Town Trail which was fairly uninteresting. Got some chips out of it though.

MONSTER RIPPER IS HORRIFICALLY OVERPRICED! Common or garden Monster = £1.41 Ripper = £1.7bloody7. Does 50% fruit juics really warrant a 36p price hike? I don't think so. Somerfield, stop being cunts and sell Ripper for the same price as ordinary Monster.


p.s Adolf just TOLD Liz and I how to have our coffees in future. I love that man soooo much...

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