Tuesday 18 August 2009

Tuesday 18th August

Everyone's been a bit miserable due to the news from yesterday. Adolf so much so that he spent all day moping about in the caravan. Rather than be bored to buggery in a fibreglass box, Madre, Liz and myself all went on a mountain hike.
We've had good luck weather wise this year. Clear blue sky, sunny, warm. Fucking a. The weather only highlighted the beauty of North Wales. Spectacular isn't the word.
After climbing the mountain ("Screw these hills!" wailed Liz), we stopped to have some lunch in a clearing. Whilst we were doing this, I noticed some interesting ruins in the distance. Turns out it was an old mill that was only used for 6 years. It's been abandoned for, as near as makes no difference, 100 years. I was so desperate for a closer look, I dragged the other two halfway back down the mountain so I could, only to be seperated from it by some bastard river. The forest surrounding us, blocking my view wasn't much help either. I begged and pleaded Madre to let me try and cross the river but she was a total and complete killjoy and said no. So I worked with what I got and got some shots.
From then on, I was a bit moody (yes, I was sulking) but you'd understand if you saw it. Pictures don't do it justice.
We got to another ruin of what seemed to be an old cottage or two, made entirely out of slate. We reckoned they were old miners homes, a hypothesis later backed up by a near by mine entrance. "Short walk to work" I remarked, "Nice too." as I observed the scenery.
The walk from then on was a little dull if I'm honest. I reckon people should do it the reverse we did, so they don't get dissappointed.
On the home leg, Madre took us on a ridiculous detour. "It'll only take 25 minutes!" she squawked. 25 minutes later, we were nowhere near where we needed to be. An hour later, we were back. My feet are still hurting now.


p.s I swear Wales has banned Monster. Cannot find the bastard drink ANYWHERE.

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