Friday 21 August 2009

Friday 21st August

4 o bloody clock. That's the time I woke up this morning. And the wierd thing is, Kayleigh was awake at the same time (oh, Facebook Mobile, how I love thee). I told her this, and she said we were 'mind twins'. Bam.

Adolf's life from hereon in is 'quiet'. Quite how he can spend 4 days straight in a poxy caravan is beyond me. Mind you, this is Adolf we're talking about.
So, 'twas another Madre and Liz day. We went to Clandidno for the day The morning weather was atrocious (to the point where Liz and I camped out in the washing up shelter because it was so bad) but thankfully, it cleared up.

The day turned out nice in the end. It's just a shame we spent it shopping. We did eat lunch near the sea front though, and that was good. Except we were harrassed by a seagull. I dealt with it though, so we're still alive. Bloody scavengers.
Whilst in Clandidno, Liz and I devised a new 'dance' move. It's called the Sonic and you basically stick your arms out behind you whilst running on the spot. You end up looking... well a bit of a tit, actually, but the aim was to look like a less blue Sonic the Hedgehog. Lame, eh?


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