Sunday 15 November 2009


As much as I'd like to say that this film about the end of the world was a prophecy of the forthcoming London olympics (which will inevitably be a failure), it wasn't.
Needless to say, the special effects were simply amazing. But then you wouldn't expect anything less, would you. I think the highlight of the film was watching a portion of LA sink. That's right. It tipped, a la Titanic, and sank. But, before you disregard it as yet-another-Day-After-Tomorrow, not everything went underwater. Oh no, there were several Pompey-esque volcanic scenes. Much more End Of The World, rather than Everyone's Drowning Due To Global Warming.
Being a Hollywood film, it was very very predictable. You had the same stunts over and over again (how many times do cars need to run off a ramp?), and multiple stereotypical shots e.g plane is engulfed by ash cloud, plane emerges unscathed. The plot was... Well, there was very little plot to speak of. It was incredibly empty. This film is nothing short of being SFX driven. If I was going to get it on DVD, I'd make sure it was Blu-Ray. And I'd watch it on a HD TV. Since I don't have either, I won't be getting it on regular DVD.
Still, would make a great opening ceremony.


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