Monday 21 June 2010

Opening Day

So, the store opened today :D Had to get there for 9, so I met up with Luke and we walked over to the outlet. Joy for hardly any buses on Sundays -_- Still, we met Tracey en route; anyone would think we'd planned it. We didn't, it just worked out well.

So we got the store, and was given a lecture on how we should perform blah blah blah and then the store opened. I wasn't due to start work until 12, so I had 2 hours to kill. I couldn't even go home thanks to the awkward buses. Luckily, I'd taken a Top Gear mag with me, so that killed some time. The mint ice cream I bought helped too :D

So 12 o'clock came, and it was my time to shine :D I very very very nearly sold a pair of Shape Up's (a 'stylish' fitness shoe that apparently promotes better health), but then I was reminded they weren't included in our BOGOHP deal. I'll leave that to you to work out. Obviously, I had to relay it back to the customer, and they were all "Oh. Well you've just lost a sale.", stuffed the box back into my hands and stormed out. Bloody people.
However, I did not let this mar my experience. I soldiered on, and by the end of my shift at 4, I'd managed to sell 6 or 7 pairs (I can't remember). Not bad, IMHO.

But yes, that be the summing up of a successful opening day, brought to you by Skechers, Swindon. You should pop round one day, see what we got ;D


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