Saturday 19 June 2010


It's been a long long week. The other day, I didn't finish work until 11pm. I'd started at 9am. Christ. At least we got Domino's Pizza out of it :D

But after this long week of blood (the boxes have made a mess of my knuckles), sweat and other bodily fluids, Skechers is ready to open tomorrow :D The downside is that I have to be up to get there for 9. On a Sunday. With no buses. Yay for early morning walks... But Luke said he'd meet me, since he lives just up the road. At least I won't be alone.

We desperately needed a change of choons at work the other day, so I grabbed the first CDs I could before leaving the house. They were Kerrang CDs. They were alright, until bands like Machine Head, Gallows and Job For A Cowboy came on. Everyone hated them, including me. So I took more socially acceptable ones today, including (wait for it) Now 53. Yes, Now 53, that is how old school I'm not. I might just donate that to the store...

Gosh, I've spoken far too much about work recently. But it seems I've been living there with overnight stays at my house. Hopefully that'll change...


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