Saturday 3 October 2009

I'm not saying I believe... this horoscope-esque fate destiny shit, but I took a "How good will tomorrow be" quiz thing on Facebook yesterday. I would show you, but it would appear I was sceptical and decided to not post it. Anyway, the result I got was 12%. See my cynicism?

12% seemed about right. I had to do both mine and Liz's round as payback for her covering for me yesterday. Mine went off without a hitch. Liz's, however, went a little pear shaped. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but somehow I flew off the bike. I sensed the bike falling down, and so leapt from the saddle, arms outstretched in front of me. I felt like a less spectacular superman. The outcome of my flight? Scuffed up hands, a battered knee and a hole in my skinnies. Yeah, I was not best pleased. Some woman was in her car, and saw everything. She leaned out the window and asked "Are you alright?" She noticed I was checking myself over and said "Only a few grazes?" I said "Yeah, I've had worse." She had no idea how serious I was.

After my incident, I got home and, lo and behold, it started raining. Brilliant. I wanted to sit down for a bit, but Liz badgered me to get off and out into town.
The bus journey was awful. Some stupid Chav was playing noise from his phone at an unnecessary volume, and there was a group of people behind us talking too loud. I really hated that. Especially since I had a foggy head and just felt generally miserable. I reckon it was the rain.
The day eventually perked up though :D I love my town days with Liz; we always have barrels of laughs. I almost walked into Spack Legs, which was funny. I turned around, saw her and went "UGH!" really loudly. Liz found this hilarious.

I could go into massive massive detail, but I'm not going to lie to you: I can't be bothered :)
So until next time...


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