Tuesday 6 October 2009

I'm So 'Ungry

This is beyond desperation. It's about survoival.

I find it weird how Pez doesn't bully me unless Kayleigh and Lozz are around... Hmm, intriguing.
Ro's a fat kid. He's never not hungry, y'see. We established this when I accompanied him to get another toasted panini. I had to make do with a 'savoury cheese' bap. That had some onion in. Not that I'm complaining, it's just the wrapping doesn't mention onion.

Communication with Dave was alright. Watched an episode of The Mighty Boosh (my first ever, and 'The Nightmare of Milky Joe' for those interested) for the majority of it. English wasn't bad, had a few laughs, didn't do much in the way of work. Just like usual then.

Bus surfing was fun. Some guy was wearing a mac with contour lines on. Kayleigh noticed this and said "Sorry, Map!" Quite hilaire.


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