Monday 5 October 2009

Wordpress? Nah, I'll Stick With Blogger.

Sat here in Journalism, looking at 25 things to future-proof your career. Number one is to start a blog. Okay, I have. Had one for about a year (although you'd be surprised by the frankly pathetic number of updates. My bad.) and apparently, some of the top journalists have a blog. I wonder if Clarkson has one...

Blogger isn't the best one to use, apparently. Wordpress is recommended, as is Posterous. They're all the same to me, really. Yes, some of them may have options for fancy layouts and such, but really, isn't blogging about what your write, not how it looks?
I don't see the point in making another blog, simply based on reputation or user friendly ness. Not when I have a perfectly functioning Blogspot. Ta.


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