Friday 16 October 2009

Not Much

Weirdest sense of deja vu just before I started typing. I went to type what I was thinking, and then went "Hang on, haven't I done this before?" Turns out I haven't.

Sorry for the lack of updates this week; nothing particularly interesting has happened. A few things here and there, but overall this week has been boring.
I'ma list the 'interesting' aspects:
  • Mel wasn't in for English on Wednesday. We were in a religion room with several arguments written on the board. Ryan, Mallory & I had fun desecrating most of them. Dumbledore was crucified because Voldemort wrote the bible. Betcha didn't know that.
  • Lozz half-filled her bottle, announced it looked like anti-freeze and proceeded to pour it in a nearby bin.
  • I realised that Tramp is the most useless teacher ever. She went to a computer that wasn't on, and wiggled the mouse to try and wake it up. When she'd finished with the projector, she turned the PC monitor off to try and get rid of the projector image from the board. I have a technological dipshit for English.
In other news, Laurence Rene has decided to completely ignore my offer for mini-golf. I wouldn't mind if he said no, at least it would be an answer. But to just completely brush it off, I'm sorry Lau, it's just plain rude. Never mind, I'll just beat him... sorry, ask Kayleigh to beat him for me in 2 days. Well I won't be able to do it, will I?


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