Thursday 8 October 2009

Jailhouse Rock

Kayleigh got her letter in Kerrang!, which is good times. She was especially pleased that it came with a picture of Gustav. And then she proceeded to shred the magazine, stripping it of all the good bits. And massacring the bad bits. Thank god it didn't have Bert McCracken in it.
Throwing spare change/empty bottles/anything at Mullinz should be everyone's favourite pastime. It kept Lozz, Kayleigh and I happy, even if we hit a few bystanders. Sorry bout that. Lozz and Kayleigh were talking about True Blood and were saying how a character strangled a hooker to death, and Mullinz retorted with "Yeah, but so did that man in Ipswich." Cue hysteria.

After my lesson, I couldn't find anyone, so I walked to Walcot and got myself some lunch, as well as the latest Top Gear mag. Got back to college, sat down to read the mag, and in the 'Feedback' section, I found MY letter had been printed! Oh happy days!
Met Kayleigh after her media lesson, although I saw her walk into GB, and say "Where's Mo? What a midget!". From where I was standing, it sounded like she said 'what a pigeon'...
On the walk to town, we revisited Kayleigh's idea of buying a prison and letting everyone out. Then she went on to say how she's make it a hotel-cum-rock venue. The mess hall would be the actual venue, and the cells would be accomodation, albeit slightly more comfy, and without the fear of having a big black man named Bubba going "You my little puppy now!" Oh yes.


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