Thursday, 30 September 2010


Snoozy snoozy. College has taken it's toll on me this week; I don't have any energy to do ANYTHING D:
Tomorrow is going to be interesting. College from 9-12, work from 1-8 and then going out on the town for Lotty's 19th. Quite how I am going to function on Saturday is beyond me. Maybe espresso intravenously?

In other news, I went to see Resident Evil: Afterlife today. My overall opinion is that they have included a few zombie characters from the games, which is always good for a game-film adaptation (the zombie characters being the ones with squid like beasts coming out their mouths and giant axe man) but besides that, it didn't really leave a lasting impression. There was no real thrill in the film, just a few jumpy sections but that was it. And as for the 3D aspect... Too many slow-mo sequences, too much focus on the special effects to make the film outstanding. By all means, go and see it, just don't expect to be blown away.


Sunday, 26 September 2010

Rocket Science

1. Find seemingly correct shoe size of particular style.

2. Find place to try on aforementioned shoe.

3. Wrong size. Ask assistant for correct size.

4. Find other styles. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

5. Once finished, put shoes in respective boxes and put boxes back in (roughly) correct place.

How hard can it be? Very, as it would appear. Today, in the last half hour at work, it seemed peoples sole intention was to utterly trash the shop. I had to put 3 different pairs of kids shoes away, and then about 5 pairs of women's away. I wouldn't mind if the shoes were put back in the box; hell, if the box lid was still open I wouldn't mind.
But no. One family had to buck the system and leave every fucking shoe out of the box. They weren't bothered, they had bought the shoes they wanted. I just walked away to take a breather, head buried in my hands. Don't laugh, this is serious.


Saturday, 25 September 2010

Shit Day

Don't you hate it when little things in your day go wrong, and they all build up to make your day ultimately shit? Just like my day today.


Friday, 24 September 2010

At Last! But For The Best?

I'm officially back in college! *cheers, applause etc.* Took it's frickin' time, and some pushing from my tutor, I will admit (Her name is Silva Gems. I shit you not.) but I'm in. Had to okay it with my teachers which was terrifying to say the least. I knew they wouldn't be too enthusiastic about letting me back in, but boy, they were extreme. Maybe I'm exaggerating when it comes to Dave and Una but Pete.... *sucks teeth* I was lucky to get on. He's warned me if anything slips up, I'm off. Gulp.
But now that I'm in, starting a proper week next week, I find myself questioning my actions. Yes, I want to boost up my grades, but have I really done the right thing? What if, after all of this, I find that my best is my best, and I come out with the same results? A colossal waste of a year, and then what? Destined to spend my life working in mediocre jobs because I'm just academically crap?
I suppose I should be optimistic, and say to myself "C'mon, you can do this!" and, inside, I know I can do better but when I have these niggling thoughts in the back of my mind, it's hard to stick to it.
However, upon my return, a few friends didn't seem to be overwhelmed that I was back. Either they were, and they didn't show it, or they just weren't that bothered. Either way, I have a few other friends in college now, and new people to meet in different classes, so that gives me a chance to branch out.

I guess one factor playing to my doubts is the amount of work I've been doing at Skechers. As much as I may hate it sometimes, especially mid week when no bugger comes in, I've really enjoyed just going in and having a laugh with the other guys. Whilst it might not be the best option (I am only part time, after all), the thought of dropping college altogether and going into work proper has crossed my mind. Whilst it's not my original plan, it does seem like a good option, especially with the hours I've been putting in at the moment. It's handy having a good source of income when I have things like driving lessons to pay for, it lets me have some disposable income. But then do I want to ditch my chances of getting better grades thus a better job, just for the sake of more dinero?

As you can see, there is a continuous battle in my head at the moment, and quite frankly, I'm not enjoying it.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


So it seems my rant about New College yesterday came to some use. I had a phone call today arranging a date for my (needless and pointless) initial assessments, and although the date they suggested was problematic, we got it sorted in the end. Now watch as I have to frickin' wait another month before I actually start.


Monday, 20 September 2010


Wow, it seems it's been nothing but work work work for me recently. Mind you, with all this spare time on my hands, I'm not complaining. More hours = more green, as it were.

But then, I can't get over how much New College are dragging their knuckles in terms of getting me back in. I rang them up last Friday to chase it, and was told "We've got your personal tutor sorted, and you're confirmed on the registers for the subjects you've chosen, we're just waiting on a date for your initial assessment."

Two things:
1) I did the fucking initial assessments when I started, and I've been at college for two years so they know I'm a decent student.

2) If they have everything sorted lessons wise, why not just fucking let me start?

They're being so Neanderthal about the whole thing, it's really started to wind me up. Make me wait any longer, and the fucking term'll be over.


Monday, 13 September 2010


Sorry I have posted much recently, truth be told I just haven't had the time. And when I have had the time, my computer has been winding me up by turning off for no reason. No shut down, just BAM! Off. I need a new machine.

So been working many many hours at work to make up for my holiday. I do get paid holiday, but this months pay is still going to be pants :( And there are talks of another night out. Why is everything so expensive!?

But, I have been doing other things than work. Wednesday night, for example, was spent round Tash's new flat as a kind of house warming thing. Being a BYOB affair, and me coming straight from work, I had barely anything to drink. I had a can of Fosters given to me by Tom (he saw I had no drink, said "I feel sorry for you." and gave it to me) and then a can of Bulmers some time later. At some point during the night, Tash just stood behind me playing with my face. She was somewhat unsober. Oh, and my sock got torn in half.

At the weekend, after 4 hours work (it felt weird being in for such a short period of time), I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I suggest you go see it, before it's gone. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was a lot of fun. It only had one drawback though: the 12 year old girls that were sat behind us. Srsly, they giggled throughout the entire film, even at bits that weren't that funny. They really really hacked me off.

Then, to top off a great weekend, I met up with Hayley yesterday for a mooch around Lydiard Park (or as the sign says, Yd ard P rk) and boy what a hilarious time that was. We discovered 'buttle' was a real word, meaning to work or serve as a butler (but you already knew that) and we caused splashes in the lake. No, not like that you dirty minded reader. We found some giant logs and had immense satisfaction at dropping them in the water. Yes, we are children.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


Been using my time productively today so far, by revising for driving theory (which I still need to book) and uploading pictures to my somewhat decrepit deviantART. Thought I may as well showcase some of my recent holiday snaps, feel free to take a look :D Comments and such are appreciated :)


Sunday, 5 September 2010


Long day at work yesterday. By the end, I drank 3 cups of coffee in the space of an hour, and was pretty much hyped up on caffeine. So much so, I started to dance to Owl City, and Keiran joined in for no reason. A woman walked past and said to us "Are you two happy in your job?" to which I replied "No, I just think I'm delirious. It's been a long day..."

After work, I met with Tash to go to some gathering thing her friend had organised, some alternative music get together thing. It turned out to be a metal gig for a bunch of goths. I was the most colourful one in the entire fucking room, and the bands were pretty awful. Although I got a free vodka jelly shot out of it, so I can't complain really.
Fuck it, I can, and I will. Bloody screamy screamy shit.


Friday, 3 September 2010

"Am I pissing you offuhfuh?"

I love this man/puppet more than I love my own limbs.


That is what this fucking neglected blog is gonna come back with my friends. For too long I have gone through week long spates of blogging, then giving up. Those days are in the past.

Maybe, in a bid to keep you folks, I'll develop a much better social life too!

It's alright, you can calm down now.