Monday 6 July 2009

Fuck Public Transport

Babysat for one of Ma'am's work colleagues today. Only about an hour, but the kid still managed to get crisps all over the floor -_-

After clearing that up and waiting for the weather to stop being wet so I could do my round, I had to get the bus up to college for an appointment I had with the careers advisor. I heard the bus trundle past, so I whipped my shoes on, didn't bother to lace them up, ran out the house, saw the bus idling at the stop, sprinted towards it and I swear the driver saw me. Despite this, the doors closed and the bus started pulling off. I was about halfway up the bus at this point, but the driver still sped off. I yelled at the bus "CUNT!" and muttered "Fuck public transport." I was very annoyed.

The sooner I get a car or something, the better.


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