Tuesday 14 July 2009

War: What is it good for?

1/3 of a person per hour. Doesn't sound alot, but that's how many soldiers died recently in the worst 24 hours of the Afghan war. That's 8 people.

It really begs the question: what are we still fighting for? We went to Afghanistan way back in 2001 because big eared, idiotic grinned Tony Blair followed George W. Chimp's assumptions that WMD's were being hidden. There wasn't any evidence to suggest so, and therefore none were found. So why the hell are our troops still fighting out there 8 years later?

Nearly every day we hear a story on the news about yet another UK troop dying, and for what cause? Can't think of one? Because there is no reason. People as young as 18 years old are dying for nothing. That, my friend, is no age to die, not when they had their whole life ahead of them.

My heart goes out to all the families affected, even those with a family member not even in Afghan but are due to go soon. I won't even pretend to understand what they're going through; it must be so damn difficult to deal with. I'm the oldest in my family, so I don't have to worry about older brothers or sisters in the army but for those who have, let's just hope the fucking government see sense and pull every troop out of that place, and prevent more pointless deaths.

It may be cliched, but to those fighting for our country, I salute you. The word 'hero' doesn't even begin to describe you guys.


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