Monday 13 July 2009

What the hull!?

On Facebook, someone had posted a comment to a note left by Radio 1. It wasn't meaningful, it wasn't relevant, it was downright useless and idiotic. This person has posted "First to comment!!!"

I really don't get the whole buzz about being the first to comment it. Big deal, you got there before anyone else did. Now read the damn thing you commented.

I commented the same note, airing my views on the insignificance of being the first comment, and upon checking it back, someone had replied. Said reply read "'coz it's fun;)"

How boring is that persons life for them to say commenting things first is 'fun'. I'll tell you what is fun. Running through woods being pelted with paintballs and firing back is fun. Hurtling down a hill on a home made go kart is fun. Commenting something first and telling people (whom can see you've commented first, you don't need to tell them) is not.


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