Wednesday 8 July 2009


I've had a pounding headache for the most part of today. Life isn't fun when you're incapitated on the sofa. And I had to do my sisters round on top of mine.

I applied for a job at Maccy D's. I din't get it. Even Mc-fucking-Donalds don't want me. Fuck the economic balls up. Complete bullshit.

For every cloud, there is a silver lining.

I bought my Young Guns ticket today, so that's good. More Gustav abuse, come the 23rd July :D
And it's been announced AFI's new album lands in shops on the 29th September. I'm now listening to nothing but AFI because of this.

I'm making the rhubarb crumble I've promised myself tomorrow. Hopefully I won't destroy the house.


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