Saturday 27 September 2008

"It didn't ding!"

Spent the day in town with my sister, which wasn't all bad. She kept walking off to look at 'her' shops, saying she'd meet me here and there. She kept me waiting for AGES!

I filled my Mi-shake Loyalty Card with a large Sour Skittles Shake. Needless to say, it was fairly disgusting. I beleive I said that to Liz like, 5 times.

After about 3 hours in town, I decided to drag her to Borders by ASDA Wal-Mart. We got on the bus and started our adventure (we'd never gone up there by bus) and we travelled through Oakhurst and Red House. It all looked the same. I 'rang' the bell when we were nearing our stop and Liz just pokes me. She said "It didn't ding!" and I just looked at her. "Why don't you do it yourself, then, rather than poking me!?" is what I said to her. Idiot.

Borders was good, I bought Liz and myself a Frappuchino each, which was good. She started talking about The Joker and the wierd dream she had about him last night. I think those posters are doing something to her. And then she moves on to the subject of how she has all but one of the Joker posters. She describes it and then I make the mistake of saying "I think I saw that one downstairs."
So now she has ALL of the available Joker posters, besides the 3-D one. Which is her next target. She might have to save though, since she now owes me about £5 :D
Upon buying the poster, I was served by a friend whom I haven't seen/spoken to in YONKS! It was nice to see her again, although it would've been nicer had she not been working. Ah well, we'll sort something :)

1 comment:

Kayleigh Puget said...

A sour Skittles Mi-Shake you say?

That sounds appetising.