Monday, 22 September 2008

Who do you think you're kidding Mr Hitler?

Off to bed last night, step-'father' tells me that "I've just got a warning about our internet usage. So it means no internet for at least 3 nights I'm afraid." Of course he means only I will have to miss out whilst he happily goes on about downloading overnight, and leaving his computer on whilst watching TV. And I get the rap when I have MSN online whilst playing Resi Evil. The only reason why I'v managed to do this update is 'cos I'm on a college mac.

So no blog updates for the next 3 days. Or MySpace. Or MSN. So expect me to be socially dead in the next 3 days.

Oh, and Korey?


Thanx :3

1 comment:

Kayleigh Puget said...

FOR YOUR INFORMATION, betch, my mother WASHED your jacket cause I got a little bit of sick on the sleeve. You wouldn't want me to give your jacket back like that would you?
I'll have it tomorrow, plebface.

Like the new banner :D
I'ma make you one aswell!

I love you. x