Sunday, 20 December 2009

Good News Everyone!

Bugger all happened this weekend, except for these little nuggets:

  • Rage Against The Machine secured the Christmas Number One spot for 2009, beating X Factor winner, Joe McElderberry. Tom Morello has said Rage will play a free show in the UK to show their appreciation, and most of the proceeds they have got from the mass purchase of 'Killing In The Name' will go to charity.
  • On a more personal note, Dad rang to inform that he and his partner Joy are due to get married :D From this day forward, they are officially engaged. CONGRATULATIONS!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Pudding Cat

My lovely Harry cat, whom I grew up with, and dearly loved for the 17 years I knew him, passed away earlier today. He was 18. I'm going to miss him, with every fibre of my being.


Thursday, 10 December 2009

Invisible People

Spent pretty much the entirety of the 177 journey this morning discussing the plight of the invisible people. You heard.

Media was crap, nothing ever happens of interest. It's what you get for having Una McDoughnut and not a particularly interesting set of friends. Boo.

In the break, Liam played a few Jon La Joie songs from his phone, and Steve developed a new 'dinosaur' martial art: T-rexitchu. It's... different.

C&C was dull as well. Needless to say, I spent a lot of the time playing pool on my phone. It's because I'm cool.

Waiting for Kayleigh, Lozz decided to attack me with her hair spray. Not in my hair, just wherever she could get to. My wrist still pulls a bit. She also did her favourite of spraying my jeans with her deodorant at point blank range. Last time she did that, I was wearing my black skinnies. They had a white mark on them. Thankfully, it didn't show up as much on today's blue jeans. She got Jake's black shoes too. They marked :D

After Kayleigh's torture session with The Doughnut, we gallivanted off to town and into Tesco so Kayleigh could get Glamour magazine. I was peckish, so I looked at the cakes. I said "I would get a gingerbread man, but that would be cannibalism." I got the gingerbread anyway. My brethren was nice, ta for asking.

We saw Village Idiot today. She was strangely sedate, and I suggested maybe her doctors told her to calm down. Kayleigh was amused.

And then it all went downhill from there really. Just got sick of not being able to find a job, having to stick with a paper round blah blah blah FML. And then, earlier, Liz was stood in front of the TV for years, 'rolling up her sleeves' to do the washing up. I'm drying up, and I'm stood there for the time Liz was, and get yelled at for not doing the job. WOT?


P.S: I order you to go watch the video to Winter Kiss by Young Guns. It's amazing.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Where'd He Go?

I shouldn't be allowed chocolate cookies in the morning. This past week, I've had two, and on both occasions, I've managed to smudge chocolate into what I was wearing. FML.

English was dull: we had a timed essay to do. I just couldn't think, complete mind block. Didn't help that I didn't have my own sheet. So I went for a walk to try and get some ideas. Shame I went back when I only had 20 minutes left.

Before Journo, I nipped into town to get Kerrang and have a look at the hotly anticipated Readers Poll results. What bullshit that was! Jared pissing Leto as Sexiest Male!? 30STM as Best Band!? Nah mate. The only categories I totally agreed with where Best New Band and Hero of the Year, Young Guns and Corey Taylor respectively. Although a special mention has to go to Hayley Williams, voted Sexiest Female. Her reaction? "The people of England need to have their eyes checked!" Couldn't have said it better myself.

Journo itself was alright. Some guy was in, talking about blogging (I don't know his name, I missed the introduction), critiquing other blogs and the like. After he did his bit, I wrote a piece for my other blog which you can read here. You don't have to, but it'd be nice :)

I actually used a smiley intentionally. Oh dear.

Anywhore, C&C with Pete wasn't bad, he set us up with a powerpoint to make, and left us to it. So basically, it was a very very short lesson. I do love that diamond geezer.


P.S: Adolf came in, and when Liz and I went downstairs earlier, we couldn't find him. At all. We were all "What the hull!?"

Monday, 7 December 2009


Short one, as I am sat in the library, waiting for Ron to stop yammering. Which will be in about 10 minutes. And I can't be bothered to go through the day (maybe tomorrow). And I need a drink.

I love Mondays. I get to catch up on Top Gear, so it's all good. Although this time, one of the staff meandered over and told me I should be doing work. With 1 MINUTE of Top Gear left. Bit slow, love. I would say roll on next week, but they aren't on :(

Told you it'd be short. Like me.


P.S Madness tonight, cannae wait.

Thursday, 3 December 2009



TBH, not much has been happening. Although I did go to town with Mullinz today. He bought me Monster, gingerbread and cookies.

I bought myself a model with the money Grandad gave me for chrimbo. Wanna see it?

How lush is that!? Not very? Well I liked it, so jog on.


Monday, 16 November 2009

Sexy Old Jigsaw

I feel up to date. With my television viewing, at least. I spent this morning relishing the fact I didn't have Journalism whilst watching Doctor Who. I have to say, that was a faintly terrifying episode. I may not drink water ever again. And I caught up on Top Gear as well, although my headphones were slightly dodgy. Turns out it was the 'puter though, so that was a relief (I was at college at the time).

Went into college to meet up with Kayleigh, and was assaulted by Sarah. She spun round on the spot, and hit me with her bag. Several times. I'm sure she'd be gutted to know it didn't really hurt that much. She even did it in the lift. Silly girl.
Waited for Lozz with Kayleigh on the computer, looking at loads of pictures. When Lozz did come, Kayleigh printed off some of her pictures, and then Lozz did some of hers. Whilst she did that, Kayleigh and I played Lozz's Rocksound Top Trumps. Kayleigh won, but not before I managed to win the Aiden card from her. She won it back, and as I handed it back, I said "You'll like this one." and showed her the picture (it was Nightmare Anatomy-era 'Yam) and she simply snatched it from my hand and uttered 'Baby.'

Blame her? Didn't think so.


P.S- The title of this entry comes from a Tobin Bell-lookalike that sat next to me on the bus. I did a double take.

Sunday, 15 November 2009


As much as I'd like to say that this film about the end of the world was a prophecy of the forthcoming London olympics (which will inevitably be a failure), it wasn't.
Needless to say, the special effects were simply amazing. But then you wouldn't expect anything less, would you. I think the highlight of the film was watching a portion of LA sink. That's right. It tipped, a la Titanic, and sank. But, before you disregard it as yet-another-Day-After-Tomorrow, not everything went underwater. Oh no, there were several Pompey-esque volcanic scenes. Much more End Of The World, rather than Everyone's Drowning Due To Global Warming.
Being a Hollywood film, it was very very predictable. You had the same stunts over and over again (how many times do cars need to run off a ramp?), and multiple stereotypical shots e.g plane is engulfed by ash cloud, plane emerges unscathed. The plot was... Well, there was very little plot to speak of. It was incredibly empty. This film is nothing short of being SFX driven. If I was going to get it on DVD, I'd make sure it was Blu-Ray. And I'd watch it on a HD TV. Since I don't have either, I won't be getting it on regular DVD.
Still, would make a great opening ceremony.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Two Parts

I'ma split this post into two, since they were the main events of today.

Oh good lordy, what fun it is going to town with Liz. I'm not even being sarcastic. Essentially, we just wandered around, making fun of other people and I was growling at her M Shadows-esque for an eternity. She found it too funny. I told her about the "Get a better hobby" and she also found that too funny. By the end of it, my throat was getting a little sore.
Saw Ellie and Zander in Subway. So we munched with them. Ellie was pleased she managed not to get any of her food down her. Just as she was leaving, she noticed some sauce on her white shorts. Spoke too soon? Definitely. I stole about half of her cookie, which she wasn't too bothered about. Took the fun away really. Boo.
Liz and I were talking about how our Grandad looked after our late Grandmother (who suffered a severe stroke) for loads of years, despite her inability to communicate. Liz was saying how she admired him for it, and that she wouldn't be able to do it. Then I came out with "I'd be like 'Bitch, why ain't you talking to me!?'" and a nearby guy obviously overheard, and looked at me xD All a good laugh.
Handed my CV into Republic, JD Sports and Rymans today. Although I was rejected from about 50 different stores. Alright, I'll tell the truth. 49. I hope I get a fecking job soon.

After much huffing and puffing, Mum let Liz and I go to the firework display, and decided she was coming too. Fair enough, I spent a lot less than I would have had I had to pay myself.
Mum wanted my to wear a hat when we went out, so I put on my scarf, hoodie stolen from Lozz, and my trilby. I looked propa gangsta, tee bee aitch. Mum was all "I meant your other hat." but didn't make anything of it.
Despite Mum paying for the lot of us, I still took a fiver just in case, and spent £2.50 of it on two coffees and a cup of soup. Guess who the soup was for.
I need a piss at the most inconvenient times. We'd just found our spot, people were crowding around behind us and my bladder decided it was full. I spent most of the display bouncing up and down on the spot. Ah vhell, still enjoyed it.
The first lot that went up were green, and, resurrecting last years Voldemort identifications, Liz and I shouted "OBLIVIATE!" because we're just that cool. Oh wait. Mum said they looked like alien antennae.
On the way out, Mum was ranting about people who would buy firework show tickets in advance. She called them sad. I agree to some extent.
This year was better, because it wasn't raining and so I wasn't cold. Although last year with Kayleigh was the bomb. Shame she couldn't make it this year. There's always next year, when we can buy our own :D

Until then...


Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Screw This For A Game Of Soldiers.

"I fancy some KFC."
-walks to Greenbridge KFC-
-KFC card machines aren't working-
-walk to nearby cinema to look for cash machine-
-no cash machines-
"This is gonna sound wierd, but could you charge me £10 from my card and give the cash back to me?"
"Sorry, we don't do cashback. Nearest cash machine is..."
"Miles away."
"Just past Boots."
"Yeah, miles away."
-trunches to cash machine in rain-
-cash machine charges 6 pence more than I can afford to take money out-
-bus to town to get cash out-
-town cash machines won't let me even check my balance-


Monday, 2 November 2009


Been lazy with this thang again. Had work experience at the Adver over the half term so I haven't really had a holiday, okay? It's my excuse, and if you don't like it, you can go drink Baileys from a shoe.

I'll try and post an account of my week, and most likely a post about Halloween, but for now, I'm too lazy to do anything. And I'm enjoying being goaded by Italian Job on PS2. Fun -_-


Thursday, 22 October 2009

Punch & Judy Face.

You know I'm right.


How many Fuckers In A Suit does it take to change a lightbulb?

One. Kevin Bacon.

The Voice

D'you like my college magazine propaganda?

Spectacular, no?

My Print Credit

Is £8.50. Considering this is only the first half term of the college year, and I started off with £20, that's a lot of printing. Blame Lozz, for printing centuries of pictures.


Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Fucking boo. The My Passion gig was ace (I'll do a proper post about that when I can be arsed) but that's really the only thing that's stood out so far.

Oh, I had a job interview for the college library today. Scoff all you want, but I'll be earning more in 3 hours than I do for a whole week on my paper round, so STFU. As it turns out, Michael from my English class also had an interview. We had English before our interviews, so we were having a war over who'd get it, and then if we both get it (somehow), we'd be like the Good Cop/Bad Cop of the library, me being the former. Won't know until tomorrow whether I've got it or not, so keep your fingers crossed for me.


Friday, 16 October 2009

Not Much

Weirdest sense of deja vu just before I started typing. I went to type what I was thinking, and then went "Hang on, haven't I done this before?" Turns out I haven't.

Sorry for the lack of updates this week; nothing particularly interesting has happened. A few things here and there, but overall this week has been boring.
I'ma list the 'interesting' aspects:
  • Mel wasn't in for English on Wednesday. We were in a religion room with several arguments written on the board. Ryan, Mallory & I had fun desecrating most of them. Dumbledore was crucified because Voldemort wrote the bible. Betcha didn't know that.
  • Lozz half-filled her bottle, announced it looked like anti-freeze and proceeded to pour it in a nearby bin.
  • I realised that Tramp is the most useless teacher ever. She went to a computer that wasn't on, and wiggled the mouse to try and wake it up. When she'd finished with the projector, she turned the PC monitor off to try and get rid of the projector image from the board. I have a technological dipshit for English.
In other news, Laurence Rene has decided to completely ignore my offer for mini-golf. I wouldn't mind if he said no, at least it would be an answer. But to just completely brush it off, I'm sorry Lau, it's just plain rude. Never mind, I'll just beat him... sorry, ask Kayleigh to beat him for me in 2 days. Well I won't be able to do it, will I?


Monday, 12 October 2009

Fuckin' 'ell.

Another run in with Pigeon today. Lozz, Kayleigh and I were just sat at GB, when guess what? The fucking coward dropped two plastic cups of water from the top floor. And he missed. I like how he doesn't have whatever reproductive organs a male pigeon has to actually do anything within reach. Of anyone. Always from the other side of the fucking globe.
Although, he showed he had at least some sort of backbone by verbally abusing us ON HIS OWN. I would say I'm proud of him, but I'd be lying. And I'd probably have to murder myself for saying so. However, he only said it on passing, and continued to walk away.
We decided that, actually, we aren't going to put up with his bird shit any longer. We stormed to Nige's class (he was teaching at the time) and had to wait for millenia for him to finally come talk to us. Thankfully, he didn't just say 'Oh, talk to Duncan Webster.' like the useless man did last time. I think he could see how distraught Kayleigh was. We traipsed through Student Services and back through to the English block. As luck would have it, we saw Pigeon, gazing out the window which he so wishes he could lick. Lozz did a really obvious "It's him." for Nigel. Bird-face was oblivious due to the headphones he had in. Probably listening to the mating calls of other birds. And, as it turns out, Ron actually teaches the fucker. And because Kayleigh and Lozz were in his lesson, they explained everything with some help from me.
As they were signing something (not entirely sure), Hayley and I were stood outside talking, when, lo and fucking behold, there he was. I don't think he noticed me, because he went into his class without fuss. Because he was on his own. Shock bloody horror.
Whilst Kayleigh, Lozz and Hayley were in their lessons, I went to the library to fill in an application form for a vacancy they have (remind me to finish that off.) and, you're never going to believe this, in HE swaggers. WHY AM I SEEING HIM EVERYWHERE!? I DON'T WANT HIS BIRD AIDS! Anywhore, I'm sat there, and in my misfortune, he finds a 'friend' on the table opposite me. He slams down his folder so it reverberates through the library and then says "What the fuck you lookin' at?" to someone who'd obviously heard the sonic boom he created. What a cunt. He must've seen me at some point, because I heard him slagging me off to this poor person he'd decided to terrorise. I know it was me, because I heard the words 'ginger emo'. Well done, like I haven't heard that before. I think he thinks I'm offended by it. I'm ginger. I dress in the emo style. GET OVER IT. I could've sworn he said something about 'battering' me outside college. I honestly wish I'd said to him "If you're going to threaten me, do it to my face." and then recorded what he said. I had my MP3 player, which records sound quite clearly. Why don't I think on my feet? FFS. At least then, we'd have hard evidence against him, as well as witnesses from GB.
Also, I couldn't help but notice that his new haircut (which, by the way, is appalling) makes his head look really tiny. I had to laugh on the inside. Oh, wattacock.


Sunday, 11 October 2009


Bravo to My Passion.

You may have read Kayleigh's rant about 'evanescencerawks', and how she literally spoke shit about My Passion on the video to Day of the Bees, and she got a huge abount of backlash for it. Safe to say it kind of escalated, and, upon looking this morning, I found this:

I think it's great how My Passion came up with a legitimate reason for deleting this shitbag's nonsensical argument.



Saturday, 10 October 2009

Surprise Surprise

Mum's out at work, and Adolf has taken it upon himself to cook tea. Well, I say cook...
We had pizza, because it's the only damn thing he can be bothered to make.


You may recall in one of my holiday blogs (Monday 17th August) that I said Adolf may be being made redundant.

Guess what? Yes, although he's still on contract for 10 weeks, Adolf has no job. Fuck.
He was given £400 to go spend on a suit for interviews from a friend. He was supposed to be sorting out his cv this weekend. So far, he's spent it playing Age of bloody Empires.


Thursday, 8 October 2009

Jailhouse Rock

Kayleigh got her letter in Kerrang!, which is good times. She was especially pleased that it came with a picture of Gustav. And then she proceeded to shred the magazine, stripping it of all the good bits. And massacring the bad bits. Thank god it didn't have Bert McCracken in it.
Throwing spare change/empty bottles/anything at Mullinz should be everyone's favourite pastime. It kept Lozz, Kayleigh and I happy, even if we hit a few bystanders. Sorry bout that. Lozz and Kayleigh were talking about True Blood and were saying how a character strangled a hooker to death, and Mullinz retorted with "Yeah, but so did that man in Ipswich." Cue hysteria.

After my lesson, I couldn't find anyone, so I walked to Walcot and got myself some lunch, as well as the latest Top Gear mag. Got back to college, sat down to read the mag, and in the 'Feedback' section, I found MY letter had been printed! Oh happy days!
Met Kayleigh after her media lesson, although I saw her walk into GB, and say "Where's Mo? What a midget!". From where I was standing, it sounded like she said 'what a pigeon'...
On the walk to town, we revisited Kayleigh's idea of buying a prison and letting everyone out. Then she went on to say how she's make it a hotel-cum-rock venue. The mess hall would be the actual venue, and the cells would be accomodation, albeit slightly more comfy, and without the fear of having a big black man named Bubba going "You my little puppy now!" Oh yes.


Tuesday, 6 October 2009

I'm So 'Ungry

This is beyond desperation. It's about survoival.

I find it weird how Pez doesn't bully me unless Kayleigh and Lozz are around... Hmm, intriguing.
Ro's a fat kid. He's never not hungry, y'see. We established this when I accompanied him to get another toasted panini. I had to make do with a 'savoury cheese' bap. That had some onion in. Not that I'm complaining, it's just the wrapping doesn't mention onion.

Communication with Dave was alright. Watched an episode of The Mighty Boosh (my first ever, and 'The Nightmare of Milky Joe' for those interested) for the majority of it. English wasn't bad, had a few laughs, didn't do much in the way of work. Just like usual then.

Bus surfing was fun. Some guy was wearing a mac with contour lines on. Kayleigh noticed this and said "Sorry, Map!" Quite hilaire.


Monday, 5 October 2009

Nice Car

Due to some fault of some driver, our precious Swedish tank of a Volvo has had to go in for repairs :( The passenger side door creaks when opened, and the headlight is buggered. So, whilst that's getting fixed, we have a courtesy car, in the form of a Daihatsu Sirion. Despite the name, the car really isn't interesting. It's a silly, base model hatchback from Japan. Which means it should be interesting. Boo.


P.S: Nothing really happened today, except Kayleigh made Debby go and take a chlamydia test, just so she could have a pink sperm keyring. She's called it John Be the Tadpole.

Wordpress? Nah, I'll Stick With Blogger.

Sat here in Journalism, looking at 25 things to future-proof your career. Number one is to start a blog. Okay, I have. Had one for about a year (although you'd be surprised by the frankly pathetic number of updates. My bad.) and apparently, some of the top journalists have a blog. I wonder if Clarkson has one...

Blogger isn't the best one to use, apparently. Wordpress is recommended, as is Posterous. They're all the same to me, really. Yes, some of them may have options for fancy layouts and such, but really, isn't blogging about what your write, not how it looks?
I don't see the point in making another blog, simply based on reputation or user friendly ness. Not when I have a perfectly functioning Blogspot. Ta.


Saturday, 3 October 2009

I'm not saying I believe... this horoscope-esque fate destiny shit, but I took a "How good will tomorrow be" quiz thing on Facebook yesterday. I would show you, but it would appear I was sceptical and decided to not post it. Anyway, the result I got was 12%. See my cynicism?

12% seemed about right. I had to do both mine and Liz's round as payback for her covering for me yesterday. Mine went off without a hitch. Liz's, however, went a little pear shaped. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but somehow I flew off the bike. I sensed the bike falling down, and so leapt from the saddle, arms outstretched in front of me. I felt like a less spectacular superman. The outcome of my flight? Scuffed up hands, a battered knee and a hole in my skinnies. Yeah, I was not best pleased. Some woman was in her car, and saw everything. She leaned out the window and asked "Are you alright?" She noticed I was checking myself over and said "Only a few grazes?" I said "Yeah, I've had worse." She had no idea how serious I was.

After my incident, I got home and, lo and behold, it started raining. Brilliant. I wanted to sit down for a bit, but Liz badgered me to get off and out into town.
The bus journey was awful. Some stupid Chav was playing noise from his phone at an unnecessary volume, and there was a group of people behind us talking too loud. I really hated that. Especially since I had a foggy head and just felt generally miserable. I reckon it was the rain.
The day eventually perked up though :D I love my town days with Liz; we always have barrels of laughs. I almost walked into Spack Legs, which was funny. I turned around, saw her and went "UGH!" really loudly. Liz found this hilarious.

I could go into massive massive detail, but I'm not going to lie to you: I can't be bothered :)
So until next time...


Aaah shit.

What a fucking slacker.

I gravely and humbly apologise for the horrid horrid lack of updates. Even if no one actually reads this. Ever.
Still, if I attempt to regularly update this, I can add 'blogging' as an interest to my cv. Which can help if you're wanting to be a journalist.

I know I've said this before, but I actually, properly mean it this time: I promise to update more. Hopefully then I'll get some sort of readership, and make this whole blogging worthwhile.


Tuesday, 15 September 2009


...make sure you enter The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe Cry Little Sister contest. Why can't I fuckin' say that, what a fuckin' idiot!

Not much interesting happened today. The grebs and indies causing congestion in college are giving me multiple bees in my bonnet. They piss me off something chronic, let me tell you.

Bus ride home was a fucking nightmare. There was some bint who had her arm wrapped a pole with a bell on, and kept pressing the bell. She didn't realise; she was in a world of her own thanks to her earphones. The worst thing was, the bus driver told me and Ash to stop dinging the bell. We were all "It's not fucking us! We grew out of that when we were 10!" And because the driver had accused us, everyone on the bus felt it be acceptable to glare at us accusingly. Just because we were teenagers sat near the back. FML.
In Middleaze, after Ash had left, another guy got off and as the bus drove past him, he felt it necessary to glare at me some more. I hate people so damn much.


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Youth Festival

Oh good gravy, how hilarious. It was better than I expected it to be, but it was still crap. What does that say about my expectations? xD

When we got there, we were given some silly neck band information things and had to sign something that was alarmingly alike a register. I noticed that everyone previously had put their ethnicity as 'british'. I broke from the norm and wrote 'english'.

Wow, the actual thing was pathetic. Not much interesting stuff around, and loads and loads of grebs milling around. Gave me something to laugh at :D Oh, and I obliterated Hayley and Liz at 'I Win'. Today's bright sun just exacerbated the blinding orange.
I saw Tony (vomits profusely) and his sleeve tattoos just look like he's painted his arm in ink. No real imagery to it at all. Whatacock.
I went to this one stand where you had to sort different people into 'Gay', 'Lesbian', 'Bisexual' and 'Transexual' catergories. I proceeded to stick all of them in the Transexual area. There wasn't enough room for all of them.

I played the Lying Down game alot today. One of my biggest achievments was when I run onto a breakdancing mat and played it. With dancers on. Thank god for Hayley's camera. One frizzy haired dancer didn't approve. Apparently he was glaring at me. Oh well, he'll live.
Liz saw some of her friends sat in a line, and I played in front of them. They all had no clue what I was doing, which was fun.
I laid on a fence where people frequently walked past, and I heard one girl saying "He's playing the Lying Down game!" It's spreading.
Hayley popped her LDG cherry :D Albeit behind peoples backs, but she played nonetheless! Liz was boring and refused to play. Boo.

We were watching a band of 8 year olds (they were actually 13, but looked pre-10) play, and the drummer looked way older than the rest of them, like 20-odd. When they'd finished their set, some reggae playlist came on as the transition between them and another band went on. Liz desperately wanted to leave, and blurted out "I'll turn Rastafarian if I stay here for too long!" I cracked up, but I don't think Hayley heard it. She missed out.
The next band came on, introduced their new singer, and then proceeded to belch down the microphone. I was tempted to go to the front of the stage, wait for them to finish a song, and then point and laugh at them. They were appalling, but I didn't follow my temptation through.

We saw Debby, and she said her professional camera had died. Hayley offered her pocket one, but Debby declined.
I stole a t-shirt too :D Well, more looted, because it was in a pile of hobo clothes. It was one I wanted, so I took it. Don't worry, I'll wash it seventy billion times so it's clean :D
I tried it on earlier, and it's a blatent girl fit. It doesn't look that great on either, but that all changes when I put my black braces on. Now to get some white skinnies...


Sunday, 30 August 2009

Back from Welshland

I am indeed back. Bet none of you missed me.

Holiday blogs will be up shortly (mainly when I can be arsed to type them up)

In the mean time, going to see William Control in September and My Passion in October. Bam.


Friday, 21 August 2009

Friday 21st August

4 o bloody clock. That's the time I woke up this morning. And the wierd thing is, Kayleigh was awake at the same time (oh, Facebook Mobile, how I love thee). I told her this, and she said we were 'mind twins'. Bam.

Adolf's life from hereon in is 'quiet'. Quite how he can spend 4 days straight in a poxy caravan is beyond me. Mind you, this is Adolf we're talking about.
So, 'twas another Madre and Liz day. We went to Clandidno for the day The morning weather was atrocious (to the point where Liz and I camped out in the washing up shelter because it was so bad) but thankfully, it cleared up.

The day turned out nice in the end. It's just a shame we spent it shopping. We did eat lunch near the sea front though, and that was good. Except we were harrassed by a seagull. I dealt with it though, so we're still alive. Bloody scavengers.
Whilst in Clandidno, Liz and I devised a new 'dance' move. It's called the Sonic and you basically stick your arms out behind you whilst running on the spot. You end up looking... well a bit of a tit, actually, but the aim was to look like a less blue Sonic the Hedgehog. Lame, eh?


Thursday, 20 August 2009

Thursday 20th August

What a bloody awful night. I spent most of it awake thanks to the wind and rain. Adverse weather + canvas = unnecessarily loud. At least it had stopped by morning. Ish.

I swear if Adolf has another quiet day, I'll make his life quiet. Grr.
Consequently, did basically bugger all today. Went to the tearoom by the river where I had a ice cream milkshake -drools- Madre took us on the Llanrwst (Clanroost) Town Trail which was fairly uninteresting. Got some chips out of it though.

MONSTER RIPPER IS HORRIFICALLY OVERPRICED! Common or garden Monster = £1.41 Ripper = £1.7bloody7. Does 50% fruit juics really warrant a 36p price hike? I don't think so. Somerfield, stop being cunts and sell Ripper for the same price as ordinary Monster.


p.s Adolf just TOLD Liz and I how to have our coffees in future. I love that man soooo much...

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Wednesday 19th August

Huzzah! The Welsh weather has finally made its prescence known! Albeit halfway through the day, but our weather luck ran out, nonetheless. I suspect it may have something to do with the fact I texted Kayleigh saying it was tropical this morning...

Adolf had another quiet day. Yes, the idea of having no job to back to is daunting, but for god sake, don't let it ruin the holiday. Sod.
So it was another Madre and Liz day. No bad thing.

We headed off for Betws-y-Coed (Betoos-ah-Koid) and managed to get round 3 shops before the heavens opened. And I didn't even have my hoobie with me. Cocksocks. At least it remained nothing more than drizzle, so I wasn't too drowned.
Kayleigh informed me about a picture of Gus in Kerrang! "It really captures the clearness of his eyes!" she texted. She's bloody right. Possibly the best picture of Gustav ever. Pretty cool.

I'VE FOUND MONSTER IN WALES! Technically, it was Liz who found it, but it's still Monster. And it's the Ripper variety <3 Me favourite.


Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Tuesday 18th August

Everyone's been a bit miserable due to the news from yesterday. Adolf so much so that he spent all day moping about in the caravan. Rather than be bored to buggery in a fibreglass box, Madre, Liz and myself all went on a mountain hike.
We've had good luck weather wise this year. Clear blue sky, sunny, warm. Fucking a. The weather only highlighted the beauty of North Wales. Spectacular isn't the word.
After climbing the mountain ("Screw these hills!" wailed Liz), we stopped to have some lunch in a clearing. Whilst we were doing this, I noticed some interesting ruins in the distance. Turns out it was an old mill that was only used for 6 years. It's been abandoned for, as near as makes no difference, 100 years. I was so desperate for a closer look, I dragged the other two halfway back down the mountain so I could, only to be seperated from it by some bastard river. The forest surrounding us, blocking my view wasn't much help either. I begged and pleaded Madre to let me try and cross the river but she was a total and complete killjoy and said no. So I worked with what I got and got some shots.
From then on, I was a bit moody (yes, I was sulking) but you'd understand if you saw it. Pictures don't do it justice.
We got to another ruin of what seemed to be an old cottage or two, made entirely out of slate. We reckoned they were old miners homes, a hypothesis later backed up by a near by mine entrance. "Short walk to work" I remarked, "Nice too." as I observed the scenery.
The walk from then on was a little dull if I'm honest. I reckon people should do it the reverse we did, so they don't get dissappointed.
On the home leg, Madre took us on a ridiculous detour. "It'll only take 25 minutes!" she squawked. 25 minutes later, we were nowhere near where we needed to be. An hour later, we were back. My feet are still hurting now.


p.s I swear Wales has banned Monster. Cannot find the bastard drink ANYWHERE.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Monday 17th August

Went to Chester today, but none of that seems important now.

Adolf had a phone call earlier today, and he might be being made redundant. If this happens, it's likely we'll lose the house. Bollocks.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunday 16th August

Went to Clandidno for the day, in un-Welsh weather. It's plesantly warm so far this year (but then this is the second day... am I speaking too soon?). And people say global warming is a bad thing?

Liz and myself wandered off on our own to go shopping, and I obliterated her at 'I Win'. Plenty of them, let me tell you that.
We found HMV and Liz, being the Disney fanatic she is, was appalled they didn't have Demi Lovato's newest album in stock. "Demi who?" they say (or so I'd like to think.)
We then found a dingy little place called 'Meradith's Alternatives'. I'll let your imagination decide what they specialise in. What I will tell you though is that the prices are extortinate. Fancy a belt buckle? You'll need to part with £14.99, which is more expensive than some belts on the market. If that's not daylight robbery, I don't know what is. Disgusted, Liz and I left with the pier firmly in our sights.
Ah, the pier. Full of arcade machines; a few familiars such as Air Hockey (a particular favourite of Liz and mine. I won) and some new ones, including a Guitar Hero arcade machine... Pretty Handsome Awkward and Almost Easy are fun to play, even if I opted for medium difficulty.

The best part of the day though, was when we were in ASDA. Liz and I saw a kid sucking a lolly. Fairly unremarkable at first, but we saw him again, only this time in tears and lollyless. As we got to the end of the aisle, we saw the aforementioned lolly on the floor. As we neared, we saw a little girl walk over to the lolly, pick it up and then DUST IT OFF. Liz and I looked on in horror and amusement, saying "No, we know where that's been, put it down!" Gotta love child innocence.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Saturday 15th August

Ouch, my bottom. Sitting on it, in the same place, for 4 hours isn't kind, even if the Volvo does have leather seats.

We got up at half 3 in the morning today. We normally do this, and, in the past, I have fallen back to sleep. Not this year. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I stayed wide awake for the whole 200-odd mile journey. Gay.

As the flatline of England erupted into the hills and valleys of Wales, I noticed something strange. Wales, as we know, is traditionally grey and wet. So you can imagine my surprise when it was clear and bright. Sunny, in laymans terms. In awe, I stared for what seemed an eternity. The bright blue sky slowly darkened to tungsten grey and then the inevitable happened. It rained. Y'know that saying that goes 'If it looks too good to be true, it probably is'? Yeah.
We eventually got to the site where we would be spending the next two weeks. It was still raining. Since we couldn't put the awning up, we ventured into Llandudno (pronounced Clan-did-no) for some breakfast, and in the hope the rain would subside. We found a pub that had acoustics that would make the Wyvern theatre weep. Admittedly, it was a converted theatre we went to, but impressive nonetheless.
By this time, it was about 11am (we'd been in Wales for about 3 hours), but the number of people drinking beggared belief (and by 'drinking', I mean alcoholic drinks). Everywhere you looked there were people holding glasses of beer/lager/piss. And in the midst of it all, there we were drinking coffee (bar Adolf, who doesn't drink hot drinks. At all. Wierdo)

Got back to the site, and the rain had almost stopped- it was half-arsed drizzle, so we just stuck the awning up anyway. Oh, how I love being a caravanist.


Thursday, 13 August 2009


Oh dear. Last update: 4th August. And even then it wasn't that interesting.

I would say I'll start blogging again, but there's a snag with that plan- I'm in Wales for two weeks as of Saturday. So I'm gonna take a leaf out of Kayleigh's book, and blog about my holiday when I get back.

So I'll see you all when I get back. Oh, and please bear in mind that it's Wales, so don't expect anything too glitzy.


Tuesday, 4 August 2009


After having an insight into the fonts of Kayleigh Control, I decided to pay a visit to the site where she gets her fonts from and downloaded a few that I like the look of...
Like Kayleigh, I have written down the names of the fonts in case you wanted to download them.

With regards to the last font, I have an idea for a picture edit I want to do using it some way. I'm totally free tomorrow, so I'll see if can be bothered to do it. Considering the effort I put into my blog, chance are it won't happen at all.


Tuesday, 28 July 2009


So nothing about Young Guns. YET. But there will be, promise. I keep promising this, but I will do it. Chances are I won't though. For god's sake, someone make my mind up for me!

Anywhore, Franks today. What a shambles getting there was ¬_¬ First, I got the bus from mine to town. I stuck the £1.10 in the machine and asked for a single.
"To where?"
"That's £1.70"
For fuck sake, really? All I want to do is get into town! It shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg to do so. So I got to town, and walked to Franks. Takes about an hour, in case you're thinking of doing the same.
I got there, apologised for being late (by 45 minutes) to which Frank yawned. I think he was tired. We went to his room and laughed at Dirty Sanchez for a bit and then Frank showed me his NFS ProStreet skills. Mainly his drag skills. I had a go, and he was handily giving me guidance on how to do it right. He said he felt a bit like Jackie Stewart xD. The tips he were giving me were working a charm.
He then showed me his cars of NFS Undercover (an Audi TT, a Lotus Elise and a Merc CLS AMG) and I proceeded to trash the CLS. Sorry Frank.
Frank also got a parcel. I used my keys to slash the tape and unleash the contents. They were Frank's metallic silver and gold Nike id Cortez's. His reaction when he saw them? You could've scraped him of the ceiling, he was that ecstatic.
After cocking about on the PS3, and Frank marvelling at his shoes (which we established blew his multi coloured Nike's out of the water), we went to walk Fred round the lake whilst Frank tested his new shoes. As I shut the front door, Franks stared at me for ages. "We'll have to go for a -checks watch- 45 minute walk: I don't have my keys." -_-' Hence the decision to go around the lake. Every 5 minutes, Frank would stop and look at the bottom of his white soled Nike's. "Aww, they're dirty!" Frank, soles are supposed to get dirty. And the white accentuates the dirt. At least the silver didn't get harmed.
We got to the shop to buy lunch (which were toasted cheese baguettes) and we bought Oreos and Jaffa Cakes too. The J Cakes were mine, but I left them behind -_-
After lunch we played 'Who Can Fly The Furthest' on GTA IV. Basically you walk up to a petrol station, pull out your shotgun and start blasting the pumps until they explode. You measure using defining features of the terrain such as railings and such. Was fun until I went on a crazy truck rampage, killing everything :D
When Frank had to meet some people, we got to the bus stop outside his and I noticed someone had stuck an adult/kids day rider in the time table. I showed Frank and we discovered it was valid. We then hatched a completely outrageous plan that he was 16 and I was 15 and we'd use the day rider on the bus. It worked, despite the driver giving Frank a lecture on Citizenship cards. Free bus ride is worth the lecture I think, but then the driver did believe I was 15... I'm 17. FML.


Sunday, 26 July 2009

Damn it

I've been slacking again. I promised you a blog about Frank's on Tuesday. That blog never came. I deeply apologise.

It's now Sunday, so I won't bother dragging up that day- too long ago. I am, however, hopefully going to Frank's this Tuesday. Apparently I'm to be educated in Dirty Sanchez xD and I can pass judgement on his cars on Need for Speed too. Sounds like fun.

Meanwhile, I went to see Young Guns on Thursday. Imma devote a complete entry to that night. If I can be bothered.


Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Hi, and Welcome Back

But tonight shall not be an update of todays events. That'll be tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I have a dizzying headache, Mater's hair dryer and straightners are on the floor and Hayley and I are discussing depressing Scrubs episodes. Goodo.


Tuesday, 14 July 2009

War: What is it good for?

1/3 of a person per hour. Doesn't sound alot, but that's how many soldiers died recently in the worst 24 hours of the Afghan war. That's 8 people.

It really begs the question: what are we still fighting for? We went to Afghanistan way back in 2001 because big eared, idiotic grinned Tony Blair followed George W. Chimp's assumptions that WMD's were being hidden. There wasn't any evidence to suggest so, and therefore none were found. So why the hell are our troops still fighting out there 8 years later?

Nearly every day we hear a story on the news about yet another UK troop dying, and for what cause? Can't think of one? Because there is no reason. People as young as 18 years old are dying for nothing. That, my friend, is no age to die, not when they had their whole life ahead of them.

My heart goes out to all the families affected, even those with a family member not even in Afghan but are due to go soon. I won't even pretend to understand what they're going through; it must be so damn difficult to deal with. I'm the oldest in my family, so I don't have to worry about older brothers or sisters in the army but for those who have, let's just hope the fucking government see sense and pull every troop out of that place, and prevent more pointless deaths.

It may be cliched, but to those fighting for our country, I salute you. The word 'hero' doesn't even begin to describe you guys.


Monday, 13 July 2009

What the hull!?

On Facebook, someone had posted a comment to a note left by Radio 1. It wasn't meaningful, it wasn't relevant, it was downright useless and idiotic. This person has posted "First to comment!!!"

I really don't get the whole buzz about being the first to comment it. Big deal, you got there before anyone else did. Now read the damn thing you commented.

I commented the same note, airing my views on the insignificance of being the first comment, and upon checking it back, someone had replied. Said reply read "'coz it's fun;)"

How boring is that persons life for them to say commenting things first is 'fun'. I'll tell you what is fun. Running through woods being pelted with paintballs and firing back is fun. Hurtling down a hill on a home made go kart is fun. Commenting something first and telling people (whom can see you've commented first, you don't need to tell them) is not.


Friday, 10 July 2009


I am. I had my hair hacked off today. And it's short. As in, short short. I hate it.

In other news, I'm trying to make plans for the summer rather than spend the entire holidays indoors. Public Enemies is on the menu, as is a Lydiard Day hopefully and maybe Transformers. Franks maybe a possibility too.

Young Guns on the 23rd, hoohhh!


Wednesday, 8 July 2009


I've had a pounding headache for the most part of today. Life isn't fun when you're incapitated on the sofa. And I had to do my sisters round on top of mine.

I applied for a job at Maccy D's. I din't get it. Even Mc-fucking-Donalds don't want me. Fuck the economic balls up. Complete bullshit.

For every cloud, there is a silver lining.

I bought my Young Guns ticket today, so that's good. More Gustav abuse, come the 23rd July :D
And it's been announced AFI's new album lands in shops on the 29th September. I'm now listening to nothing but AFI because of this.

I'm making the rhubarb crumble I've promised myself tomorrow. Hopefully I won't destroy the house.


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

My Life Is Over.

So I did another rehash of MyHeritage and it worked first time! Shock horror!

Two previous matches came up, but there was one I was fairly mortified by...

Dougie Poynter 68%, Mcfly bassist (previous).
Naomi Watts 64%, British-Australian actress.
Adriana Lima 61%, Brazilian supermodel.
Lev Vygotsky 57%, Belarusan Jewish developmental psychologist.
Jared Padalecki 57%, American actor (previous).
Paulina Porizkova 54%, Czech model and actress.
Ashley Titsdale 54%, American Disney bint actress.
Billy Ocean 52%, British-based musician.
Carol Burnett 52%, American comedian, actress, singer, dancer and writer.
Yundi Li 51%, Chinese classical pianist.

Can you see why my life is over?


Monday, 6 July 2009

Fuck Public Transport

Babysat for one of Ma'am's work colleagues today. Only about an hour, but the kid still managed to get crisps all over the floor -_-

After clearing that up and waiting for the weather to stop being wet so I could do my round, I had to get the bus up to college for an appointment I had with the careers advisor. I heard the bus trundle past, so I whipped my shoes on, didn't bother to lace them up, ran out the house, saw the bus idling at the stop, sprinted towards it and I swear the driver saw me. Despite this, the doors closed and the bus started pulling off. I was about halfway up the bus at this point, but the driver still sped off. I yelled at the bus "CUNT!" and muttered "Fuck public transport." I was very annoyed.

The sooner I get a car or something, the better.


Sunday, 5 July 2009


My chair broke. It collapsed like an accordian beneath me.

It's alright, I'm ok. You can stop worrying.


Saturday, 4 July 2009

No, really, MyHeritage IS bullshit.

After reading Kayleigh's blog about MyHeritage, I decided I'd try and see who my celebrity lookalikes are.

Well I would if MyHeritage would actually pick out the face in the pictures.

That's a perfectly acceptable picture of my face, is it not? MyHeritage is being a dickbag, saying "No face was detected." I didn't know internet sites could be blind.

Finally, I found a picture that MH finally found a face in, and apparently I look like:

Rod Stewart - 75% (Ageing rock star)

Drake Bell - 75% (Star of Disney's 'Drake & Josh')

Dougie Poynter - 74% (Bassist of McFly)

Liam Aiken - 74% (Klaus from Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events)

Jesse McCartney - 74% (American Thinks-he-can-do-it-all)

Misha Omar - 71% (Malaysian singer-actress)

Jay Chou - 68% (Taiwanese musician/singer/actor)

Teddy Kollek - 67% (Former mayor of Jerusalem O_O)

Jared Padalecki - 66% (Wade in House of Shit Wax)

Morten Harket - 66% (lead singer of a-ha)

Take on me.


Friday, 3 July 2009


I assumed yesterday. The girl I was talking about yesterday DIDN'T get with Mr Bitch-a-lot. He just happened to have the same name. Sorry.

Listening to 'The Golden Hour' on The Chris Moyles Show. The second song they played? Friday I'm In Love by The motherfucking Cure<3333

Adolf's getting off my back now. Good. Things aren't as dark and gloomy as I painted yesterday, although the same can't be said for the decisively overcast sky. Better than Saharian heat. It was so hot last night, I was sweating in bed. I wasn't even doing anything!

All I need to do now is meet up with people. A week has been too long.


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Fuck My Life

Sorry for the distinct lack of updates recently. Nothing interesting has happened AT ALL in the past week, so there's little point in telling everyone about shit.

Technically, I shouldn't be updating now. Adolf has been on my back like a dog on heat at the moment. What for? Looking at university related information, even though he's ademant we can't send me. So I'm sat here wasting my time really. He's making my life absolute hell at the minute. He's even TOLD me to get a haircut. At first, he said "You can choose the style as long as it's out your eyes." So I flicked through Kerrang! and found a good picture of Jacoby Shaddix and I fell in love with his hair. My new style. I tell him I have a haircut booked, and he adds a specification on the list: "These bits [the sides] have to get sorted as well." I show him the picture of 'Coby, and he says "Not acceptable, choose another style." How about I just get my whole head shaved, will that do, SIR?

And you know what really gets up my nose? When he calls me his 'son'. One day, Imma tell him "You can call me your son when you start treating me like it. Not one of your fucking employees."

And as it turns out, someone who I thought I had a chance with (that's the main vibe I got from them) has recently got together with someone who has done nothing but put her down and slag her off.

Life is shit at the moment.


Friday, 26 June 2009


No, Clarkson. It's Micheal Jackson, quite obviously.

Monday, 22 June 2009

"Nothing happens!"

Saw Sarah today, for the first time in years. She kicked me. Kayleigh and I started talking about MMCR and just quoted Steve Hughes over and over.

Watched The Truman Show in Comms.

Tried watching Top Gear on iPlayer at college. It ultimately failed.

Went into town with Kayleigh and Hayley.

Came home and watched Top Gear on the tv.


Sunday, 21 June 2009

Fuck off

Adolf just waltzed in, announcing "I'm putting my watch in your window to charge." My window was oopen so I obviously had to close it. As he leaves, he turns and says "And don't open your window whilst my watch is there without thinking."

He needs to give me more credibility, he really does.


Disney Bint

Went into town with Liz, primarily to get Dad and Adolf something for Father's Day. First place we went was Peacocks, where we managed to get Dads FD present- a Dangermouse t-shirt. We then did a bit of browsing (I can't remember the ins and outs) and I got myself some Skullcandy headphones which are bloody epic. I also got Liz a CD by an artist she likes. Heard of Demi Lovato? Neither had I. Apparently she was in Camp Rock. Yes, she's a Disney Bint, just like Miley Cyrus. But anyway, I got myself a purehmv reward card. I took a look at some of the rewards and was amazed and depressed by what I saw. Signed 'Dead Set' script? Amazing. Pair of VIP tickets for Reading fest? Depressing- I have to spend £550 in the next couple of months inorder to get enough points. Ain't gonna happen. I forgot what else we did in town.
After we came home, did some stuff, ate tea and then watched Micheal McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. That man is brilliant. No other way to describe him. Although just as the show started, I had a phone call. I told them I was watching MMCR and they asked the most horrific questions ever- "Who's Micheal McIntyre?" I was speechless.

A complete day of doing bugger all. I would've watched the F1, but as I sat down to do so, Adolf said "I'll record it, because I'm going to put a film on." I came down lan hour later only to find bloody Star Trek Voyager on Virgin 1. If he didn't want me to watch it, he should've just bloody said. So instead I cut the grass, had a shower, had tea (sat down too late to watch the new Top Gear start- got it recorded. Ah, Sky +) and now sat here doing... well bugger all really.

Tomorrow I really need to start that english we were given 2 weeks to do...


Friday, 19 June 2009

Dear Lord.

What a wierd morning. I woke up after having a dream featuring Tash. Wasn't an indepth experience, she was just there, talking to her her friend who kept giving me dirty looks. I hate her, so can someone please explain her prescence?

Nothing really interesting happened today. Before English I was just pissing about on photoshop and that's really the only thing worth writing about. Besides me leaving my headphones in college (again), spilling coke on my white t-shirt and Dad giving me a guilt trip, though I think it's more a misunderstanding. It'll get sorted.


Thursday, 18 June 2009

"Irene's curry was lovely."

Because I had the bare-faced cheek to buy myself some lunch before hopping on the bus to college, I missed the said bus. I literally got round the corner to see it's indicator winking at me as it pulled off. Fucksake.
So I got the 1A, and got to F.Way to see Kayleigh in the queue for the 13. I got off, walked through the underpass, got to the 13/14 stope where, you guessed it, the bus had gone. Twice in a row. Not going well.
I got off at college to get a text from Lozz saying her and Kayleigh were going into town. I quickly went in to see if I could find them but to no avail. I did, however, have a nice chat with Dulcie, so that was good.
Not wanting to rely on pubic (sorry, public) transport any further, I decided to walk into town. I partly did this because I though it was a possibility I could catch Lozz and Kayleigh up, but at no point did I see them. Ah well, that's my excercise for the week.
I went into WHSmith to get some credit, and then texted Lozz suggesting we meet up. We rendevouzed at Blue Banana. Yes, Blue Banana Man was working.
Lozz and Kayleigh came in, and BBM literally pounced on Kayleigh, exclaiming "I love your eyelashes!" Seriously, pretty much all the staff in there were facinated by her rainbow lashes. I bought Lozz a necklace she wanted, since I still owed her a birthday present. From January. At least she's got it now. And she told me she'd magically obtained £100 that she had to spend. Yes, HAD.
She whipped out her list and we went to Swin City first, to get some US beverages. And then we went to Bodycare to get Lozz some hairdye (Note to self: Buy hairdye.) and then scurried onto Primark. Where Lozz spent £23. On 3 pairs of shoes, some 'jammies, sunglasses (2 pairs- one was for Kayleigh) and other things. And we established that we had to back to college fairly sharpish, so I quickly whipped in to Argos to get some batteries.

In Media, Laura totally embarrassed me by showing everyone my appaling youtube videos. I really need to take them off. She can say she found them hilarious all she wants, they're CRAP. We then had to go take pictures for an anti-drug campaign poster. We just told Maxine to lie in a bush looking passed out. Tomorrow I'm posing with 'cocaine' (flour/sugar, not decided which yet)

Afterwards, Kayleigh, Frank, Bunny and I hung around outside the college gates for a while, making a nuisance of ourselves. Frank was bothering Kayleigh alot by throwing her around, and then Ben Lee showed up. He still hasn't shaved. Lozz came out with Alice, and when I was scalding Ben by saying "That's not real facial hair!", Lozz asked what wasn't realy facial hair. I pointed to Ben, she burst out laughing. Priceless. Irene then walked out and Frank asked to have dinner with her. They walked off together. Really. We were then just talking about usless stuff for a while and Frank reappeared. As he did, he proclaimed "Irene's curry was lovely. I ate it then I ate her out." None of us were particuarly surprised.


Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Hair loss.

Just noticed on my Cool Wall magnets (Top Gear mag decided to do a second lot, including those in the first lot) that of all the presenters, Captain Slow and Hammond have got more hair than in the first installment, whereas Clarkson has considerably less.

Bless 'im.


Rainbow Lashes

First off, thanks Liz, for waking me up at twenty to eight. Thanks a lot. Mind you, I did say I was going to be up at half seven...

My day didn't really start until about lunch time. I was sat in the foyer eating my lunch when Mike went over to look at the exam board. All of a sudden, one of the exhibition walls came crashing down. And Mike was the prime suspect. Everyone who I was sat with burst out laughing and applauded. It was hilarious.

Kayleigh turned up, and told about her cataclysmic new myspace layout. She just HAD to show me when I said I hadn't seen it. So we toddled off to the library so she could show me. And boy, is it HOT. I suggest you go look at it RIGHT NOW- LOOK AT THE SHINY SHINY MYSPACE LAYOUT

After this, we bussed to town where our first stop was Greggs. We then sat at the big screen for a while, bitching about the wind and people. It's how we roll. I noticed Muller were distibuting pots of Muller Rice, so I nabbed a few. I was hungry, alright?
We went to stalk Blue Banana Man again. Although this time we just passed, and we noticed he was wearing a sack hat. Kayleigh was again in love.
At some point we went to New Look to browse. We established that the bright coloured tacky produce was the Yam Section and the bright shiny silver produce was the Nick Wiggins Section. Yes, really. Kayleigh found a nice black and white scarf and some clips to buy with her voucher, and she also spied some spectacular fake rainbow eyelashes. I bought them for her. I spoil her, I really do.

On the bus home, I saw someone lose their hat in the wind and chasing after it. I had to hold in my laughter. And, crossing the road with red traffics lights whicch I'd just pressed, this woman scuttled across the road as if they weren't working. They're on red long enough for you to walk, y'know.



Mum applied for a job way back in May, and didn't hear anything until a couple of weeks ago when she was offered an interview. She went and after a couple of days, had heard nothing back. Being the chronic pessimist she is, she was ademant that she didn't have the job. She's just informed me that she got a phone call telling her she is now a Nurse Auxilary.

Well done, Mum. You deserve it. <3


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

"I'm in love!"

Fuck. I get into college (the foyer currently looks like a rat maze with pictures an sculptures- fine art exhibition y'see) and suddenly realise my english lesson isn't taking place. So I'm in college, at 8.40, and my next lesson is at 1 pm. Great.

So, I have 4 hours to kill. How do I kill them? By joining Ellie in her media lesson. Shame I take media myself so Una recognised me ¬_¬ Ah well, was all good fun going on Facebook and watching Dr Wig and The Shrimp Shack Shooters. Yes. Lozz came in half an hour late and unveiled her breakfast- a can of Monster, with Monster Ripper for afters. Ver' naice.

During the break, we bumped into Kayleigh. Because Lozz had been assigned a task to create an advertising poster for anti-bullying/drugs, she decided to use Kayeligh as a model, as she does with all her photography. We went out to the back of the college near the kitchens where most of the rubbish is left, and Kayleigh used some of Lozz's make up to create track marks. She also used Gus' hoodie string as a prop. Knew it would come in handy. We then went back to Una. Well I say 'we', I was ditched -_- I later found them again and they told me they'd gone to get food. But not before Lozz taught Kayleigh the piano intro to Welcome To The Black Parade.

My own media lesson was... fairly dull, actually. Media usually is.

After college, Kayleigh, Lozz and I walked into town. On the way, Lozz picked up a purple daisy and stuck it behind her ear. She then proceeded to pick both me and Kayleigh one and stuck them behind our ears. Please forgive me, but I said "I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair." I know, it was a god awful thing to do, and I'm sorry. Truly madly deeply.
We then got to Queens Park where we 'eurghed' at people for a bit, and witnessed an old man foraging in the bin. No, I'm not entirely sure either.
We then met Elliot who went back home to try and find his cheque. Whilst he did that, Kayleigh, Lozz and I wandered up to Blue Banana to see Blue Banana Fittie (from their point of view, I must stress) and he was there. We spent a good while in there, Lozz and Kay mostly drooling over BBF. Just as we were looking at the hair dye, these two guys approached us and asked us if we wanted to go see a gig. We weren't quite sure what to make us this, and Lozz asked for the name of the band. Ready for this? Two Toms, One Cup. Yes, they are parodying Two Girls. This put me off going to see them somewhat. Then Lozz told them that if they were slightly girlier, she may have considered it. They subsequently left. As they did, we discussed what we would do if they actually came back all girled up. It's because we're cool.
Elliot then came back and we sat outside gimmegizmo and eurghed at more people. Kayleigh wanted to see if Boy was working at Topshop, so we made the customary pass. As we did, a tall, skinny guy walked out, dressed in waistcoat and bow tie. Kayleigh saw him and immediately exclaimed "I'm in love!" We later established that the guy looked like one of Kayleigh's drawings come to life. From then on, Kayleigh kept whimpering "I wanna see Drawing Boy again." Can you blame her?

So yeah, just another day in the life of a douche :)


Monday, 15 June 2009


So I got my new tv on Friday, and this is the first chance I've got to use it. Adolf made me do a mass clearout of my ENTIRE room. Even now I'm not entirely sure why.

Still, 22 inches of televisual goodness. It's very wierd having something so big compared to being used to a piddly little shit screen for 6 years. Next thing to do is see how good my PS2 games look on it xD

Oh, and from tomorrow, I'll actually be updating again! I can tell you're all very excited...


Friday, 12 June 2009

Fuuuuuuuhking hell.

Stupid sodding college internet seems to like travelling at a speed that makes snails look like world record beaters. Fucksake. Sooner I get my new teev, the better.


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Er, hi?

Last published 16 December 2008. It's now June 2009. Heh...

I will start uploading again, promise. Just after I upgrade my shitty 15" Samsung (which has no died) to a nice 22" LG. Bring the fire.