Because I had the bare-faced cheek to buy myself some lunch before hopping on the bus to college, I missed the said bus. I literally got round the corner to see it's indicator winking at me as it pulled off. Fucksake.
So I got the 1A, and got to F.Way to see Kayleigh in the queue for the 13. I got off, walked through the underpass, got to the 13/14 stope where, you guessed it, the bus had gone. Twice in a row. Not going well.
I got off at college to get a text from Lozz saying her and Kayleigh were going into town. I quickly went in to see if I could find them but to no avail. I did, however, have a nice chat with Dulcie, so that was good.
Not wanting to rely on pubic (sorry, public) transport any further, I decided to walk into town. I partly did this because I though it was a possibility I could catch Lozz and Kayleigh up, but at no point did I see them. Ah well, that's my excercise for the week.
I went into WHSmith to get some credit, and then texted Lozz suggesting we meet up. We rendevouzed at Blue Banana. Yes, Blue Banana Man was working.
Lozz and Kayleigh came in, and BBM literally pounced on Kayleigh, exclaiming "I love your eyelashes!" Seriously, pretty much all the staff in there were facinated by her rainbow lashes. I bought Lozz a necklace she wanted, since I still owed her a birthday present. From January. At least she's got it now. And she told me she'd magically obtained £100 that she had to spend. Yes, HAD.
She whipped out her list and we went to Swin City first, to get some US beverages. And then we went to Bodycare to get Lozz some hairdye (Note to self: Buy hairdye.) and then scurried onto Primark. Where Lozz spent £23. On 3 pairs of shoes, some 'jammies, sunglasses (2 pairs- one was for Kayleigh) and other things. And we established that we had to back to college fairly sharpish, so I quickly whipped in to Argos to get some batteries.
In Media, Laura totally embarrassed me by showing everyone my appaling youtube videos. I really need to take them off. She can say she found them hilarious all she wants, they're CRAP. We then had to go take pictures for an anti-drug campaign poster. We just told Maxine to lie in a bush looking passed out. Tomorrow I'm posing with 'cocaine' (flour/sugar, not decided which yet)
Afterwards, Kayleigh, Frank, Bunny and I hung around outside the college gates for a while, making a nuisance of ourselves. Frank was bothering Kayleigh alot by throwing her around, and then Ben Lee showed up. He still hasn't shaved. Lozz came out with Alice, and when I was scalding Ben by saying "That's not real facial hair!", Lozz asked what wasn't realy facial hair. I pointed to Ben, she burst out laughing. Priceless. Irene then walked out and Frank asked to have dinner with her. They walked off together. Really. We were then just talking about usless stuff for a while and Frank reappeared. As he did, he proclaimed "Irene's curry was lovely. I ate it then I ate her out." None of us were particuarly surprised.